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Seriously what's the point?

Pride, Aeon, ParaDogz, (union), Nirvana, Benevolence, Peon, all the other clans.... What do we ALL have in common, we are all playing a game that we obviously all enjoy. I'm so confused as to why us players in bene are being treated like trash? All we are doing is playing the game the way we want to play it... Is that really wrong?

I'm not saying Pride and Aeons rules are right, I'm not saying they are wrong... I have been in Pride (cannot comment on Aeon) and I was kicked simply because I refused to follow the gens 'do not's with Benevolence' because I believed they were stupid and wrong. Now I believe I am in the clans 'blacklisted list' which I believe consists of basically all of bene.

The rules that these clans have put in place have kept the server for a very long time, but the players have had enough... The gens and guards do not realise that many of their own players do not enjoy these rules, but are forced to obey them over the alternatives... The rebellion to free taranis has started, and it is growing stronger every day... Many people are scared of what this will mean for the server..

I have recently been exploring several other servers (Arawn, Gwydion, Rosmerta and Danu) all of which are FFA and from what I hear, have gained many players form taranis over the past few months...

So I ask, what's the point? It's obvious that people hate these rules, so you play how you believe, and we will play how we believe... The only reason we are getting insults thrown at us, is because the clans are too greedy for their drops! They moan saying 'I don't want to camp hrung for 2 days just to get some points' then it's simple, don't camp the boss... No body is forcing you to?

I'm bound to get shot down for this simply because of my level in game, which is wrong... Just because I am only level 184, does not mean my views should be undermined, level does not equate to experience!

Checking other forum topics, and many players from other servers have moved to taranis to fight for our cause.. So that is clear that we are right in what we are doing? If players from OTHER servers believe that what we are fighting for is true, then it means Pride and Aeon are obviously wrong...
Adrenoch 220 Ranger
NaturesStorm 210 Druid
Dignitas 208 Druid

Re: Seriously what's the point?

As someone from another server, i think survival pf the strongest is apt here. Either the coalition of clans adapts to an unorganized competition, and hold their grip on the server which imo they should. Or they let their system fall apart in which a new more powerful clan will evolve. Either way from my outside view, bene are simply acrewing themselves by refusing to join the rotation
pigman, with the fury of the pigs and the mind of a man
level 210+ rogue
put your pants on, we're going out

Re: Seriously what's the point?

The rotation is meant to be a way of helping lower clans, but then they have to apply to get into rotation.. The reason we are not in rotation is because that is what we are fighting against.. The rotation is restrictive and if all clans that can kill aggy get in... You are talking 8-16 days per kill for your clan
Adrenoch 220 Ranger
NaturesStorm 210 Druid
Dignitas 208 Druid

Re: Seriously what's the point?

Wasn't the reason you're not in rotations because you guys didn't return gear when you left (or got kicked) from your clan?
A mage at heart... Fire mage that is.
Currently actively playing the game.

Re: Seriously what's the point?

The rotation is meant to be a way of helping lower clans, but then they have to apply to get into rotation.. The reason we are not in rotation is because that is what we are fighting against.. The rotation is restrictive and if all clans that can kill aggy get in... You are talking 8-16 days per kill for your clan

And if you rebel against that system, and the coop of clans make a plan for dealing eith that, you get none of them..
Right now you have them offguard but the fact is you are vastly outnumbered
pigman, with the fury of the pigs and the mind of a man
level 210+ rogue
put your pants on, we're going out

Re: Seriously what's the point?

Outnumbered? We are only 13 behind the top 'active players' clan and we are extremely able to keep up.... Clan is now able to solo 210 6* from an emergency, unplanned call... And we are doing just fine. Just because we do not accept rotations, as they are stupid, does not mean we should be treated differently
Adrenoch 220 Ranger
NaturesStorm 210 Druid
Dignitas 208 Druid

Re: Seriously what's the point?

If you can become the top, all the props to you

However i do think that any end game player who leaves their clan and refuses to return raid gear, should be treated like scum
pigman, with the fury of the pigs and the mind of a man
level 210+ rogue
put your pants on, we're going out

Re: Seriously what's the point?

Wasn't the reason you're not in rotations because you guys didn't return gear when you left (or got kicked) from your clan?
Precisely. If they desire to join rotations, they need to return their stolen gear.
The rotation is meant to be a way of helping lower clans, but then they have to apply to get into rotation.. The rotation is restrictive and if all clans that can kill aggy get in... You are talking 8-16 days per kill for your clan
The application is simple: tell a general from Aeon, Pride, or ParaDogz that your clan desires to be in the rotation, and at the end of the current rotation your clan will have their attempt. The rotations are not restrictive to prevent newer clans from joining.. In fact, we currently have an aspiring clan preparing to join the Aggy rotation!

Yes, some rotations carry substantial periods of time between kills (some are week-based, some are spawn-based), however when you have Aggragoth, Hrungnir, Mordris, and Necro rotations a steady boss stream appears that doesn't strain clannies with needing to make a large time commitment to CH, allowing sustained growth for the server.
World Taranis

- Regenleif -
Aedin Flameborn

Former Leader in theILLUMINATI, Aeon, and Taranis United

I am a Guide! If you need any tips/help/advice, Click Here to send me a message!

Re: Seriously what's the point?

Castanova most people who treat bene like scum are because something they've done has hurt them for example bene members have accused me of being an alt and being a dog etc it's not good enough if you want to be part of a clan that hurls insults at people be prepared to get ignored. Maybe if a clan could ride against the rotations in a nice way without being insulting it would be taken a lot lighter.

Lvl 210 Ranger - Taranis

Re: Seriously what's the point?

I have been in pride. They believe they own the server and can control who does what. You CAN NOT deny people the right to play the game. Plain and simple. Who cares who took what when they left the clan years ago. Get over it. And to take it out on the whole clan... Just shows how petty you guys really are. I find it very funny when I "applied" for pride, I was told aeon and pride were mostly made up of adults. And for the most part yes, that's true. What does that show... That adults like to dictate a game? As far as rotation goes, I don't see how that is even still being brought up. The server is clearly FFA now. The sooner everyone can accept that the better. My child beat me at candy land so I'm never going to let them play again and I've destroyed the board. That's how aeon & pride look. It's very sad. The only reason the union is so uptight is because they can't keep stuffing drops in the clan bank to rot, when they aren't getting them.

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