Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Message for Taranis players!

This seems like a very healthy outlook on life and a great way to instill important morels and values onto the children of Taranis. Great big bunch of standup adults right here. Keep it up "union" your doing the world a service by stating your political and life philosophy's and adapting them ingame. You should all start wearing something to symbolize your Union together, if you want I'll personally buy you all brown pirate shirts. Brown pirate shirt anyone? You all just have to promis to wear them in real also. You all wanna come party on pirate island in fingals? ;)
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Tanaris - Rogue - lvl211+ - Hamwallett "retired"
Rose - Druid - lvl1+ - MissBlack '"Main"

Re: Message for Taranis players!

It's not fear but trying to get dishonourable people who formed the Benevolence clan to return gear they took. When people join Pride and Aeon they are told that drops are clan property. So if they didn't agree, they should have left immediately. Unfortunately they won't return gear and have formed a clan. So their whole clan suffers for their actions. How selfish is that? I don't like war. But do they just let dishonourable people flourish?

Re: Message for Taranis players!

It's almost as savage as non-Taranis players butting their heads in and trying to cause a revolution in an endgame they have never experienced!
World Taranis

- Regenleif -
Aedin Flameborn

Former Leader in theILLUMINATI, Aeon, and Taranis United

I am a Guide! If you need any tips/help/advice, Click Here to send me a message!

Re: Message for Taranis players!

It's almost as savage as non-Taranis players butting their heads in and trying to cause a revolution in an endgame they have never experienced!
All non taranis players are welcome to come and comment to see your regime on taranis stop trying to hide it in forums.

Re: Message for Taranis players!

We offered peace multiple times and on multiple platforms you guys have denied us at each and every turn, you continue to opress players with with fascist rules and regulation it was only a matter of time til we took things into our own hands. As you can see by the masses leaving pride aeon and para for us we aren't going anywhere and our cause is just snowballing due to the way you treat your own people.

Re: Message for Taranis players!

It's almost as savage as non-Taranis players butting their heads in and trying to cause a revolution in an endgame they have never experienced!

Its also an endgame YOU have never experienced because of your petty closed of rules. Gele has been waiting for you guys for a long time now. So maybe you should listen to other players who actually know how to run a Clan and play with other people.

Re: Message for Taranis players!

I have never seen peace offered. What I have seen is that in the other forms of Benevolence (Equilibrium and wasn't there another?), is that although u said u didn't want rules--u would complain about rules being broken. For instance, how can anyone kill steal you if you don't believe in any rules? The truth is you just want to pick and choose rules that benefit yourselves. If you don't believe in Major Boss rotation times between clans able to kill them, then how can we let you into rotation. Keeping gear from clans that had rules you agreed to by joining and staying... How can you be trusted at all?

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