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Re: Been gone for too long...

Posted: Thu Nov 26, 2015 11:45 pm
by Aerdou aka Klip
Herne is absolutely wonderful and peaceful now. I'm glad infection gave up and quit like the losers they are, though it used to be more fun having competition. Res main goal is making herne a place without bullying and unsportsmanlike trash talk.
So u made a dominant clan leave because there to much in power, for resurgences to be the dominant and have the power that infection had?

What if someone who thoughts Res were corrupted and decided to do you like u did to infection.
Face it Alb, there will never ever be true Peace, you are merely just suppressing it. War will always happen until everyone dies off or You are replace yet again.
Your are no longer the heroes that fought for peace and a better world.
You are the New Infection, just with different rules.
Haha you're wrong kilp. We have very different policies than inf, it simply takes good and fair leadership to change a community, we are nothing like inf and many playing now have realized how good it is so far, and this is just the beginning of improvements
Didn't say that.
All I said was that you are the dominant clan. And u have the power infection had. Didn't say your ideas and morals were the same. Just the power role.

Re: Been gone for too long...

Posted: Fri Nov 27, 2015 2:48 am
by timmyturner
So u made a dominant clan leave because there to much in power, for resurgences to be the dominant and have the power that infection had?

What if someone who thoughts Res were corrupted and decided to do you like u did to infection.
Face it Alb, there will never ever be true Peace, you are merely just suppressing it. War will always happen until everyone dies off or You are replace yet again.
Your are no longer the heroes that fought for peace and a better world.
You are the New Infection, just with different rules.
you are the dominant clan. And u have the power infection had. Didn't say your ideas and morals were the same. Just the power role.

Sure we are the dominant clan, and we worked our selves up yes. Our power roles are not the same. We are more open. Not like we are stopping anyone to be a part of end game like the previous clan did. Our power roles are very different. We are letting inf members experience res and giving people a chance. It's up to you if you want to be a part of endgame kilp. Clans get replaced when someone not getting a fair chance/shot at certain aspects of the game fight to take the top spot and thats exactly why a certain clan got replaced from the top. If the people of herne can find motivation to level up to be a part of end game, we are not stopping you yet we are willing to give you a chance. All we ask in return is respect, will to level and participation.

Re: Been gone for too long...

Posted: Fri Nov 27, 2015 10:45 am
by Savaged1982
So how's Herne been. Havnt been on really since like April when I had a slight re-debut with an rl friend which ended less than a few weeks after and I'm just curious on how everything's worked out in the past year of my nonexistance on the server.
You were inactive P1R? Didn't notice

Re: Been gone for too long...

Posted: Fri Nov 27, 2015 7:56 pm
Kilp if res has a dkp system, wants fairness for all players,gives players second chances (such as self) after all I did to them, and been told by them repeatedly that inf was using me and I didn't listen. They clearly did good for herne. The point of the game is to advance and progress yourself. And they support it so it's not arguable. Infection had their chance and reign over herne but in the end their clans requirements and rules were their downfall.

Re: Been gone for too long...

Posted: Sun Dec 20, 2015 10:50 pm
by Metallica
Hi Pir. We've all been gone. Server went down the drain. Nothing was being policed. Bans and false accusations were being handed out with no regard to who did what.

Re: Been gone for too long...

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2015 2:25 am
by CrimsonKnight
Ok can everyone please be quiet? This post was for the passing of Lazy, a good friend, partner, and clannie, to all. Please don't make this post into a argument. Indeed Timmy. Everyone in res/lazy drunks have worked their way up. R.I.P also means rest in peace. Certainly this argument isn't peaceful. So just stop. Ty if u stop. And shut up if u don't stop

Re: Been gone for too long...

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2015 2:27 am
by Curry30423
Ok can everyone please be quiet? This post was for the passing of Lazy, a good friend, partner, and clannie, to all. Please don't make this post into a argument. Indeed Timmy. Everyone in res/lazy drunks have worked their way up. R.I.P also means rest in peace. Certainly this argument isn't peaceful. So just stop. Ty if u stop. And shut up if u don't stop
Wrong thread

Re: Been gone for too long...

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2015 5:57 am
by CrimsonKnight
Haha my bad. Had low brightness on