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How is it going?

Posted: Thu May 21, 2020 6:53 pm
by Edot
Its been a minute.

Re: How is it going?

Posted: Wed May 27, 2020 4:52 am
by bob the mage
Its been a minute.
It’s going

Tbh it’s quiet but in the good way. Clans are active but not much is going on outside of the normal game play.

Re: How is it going?

Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2020 3:13 pm
by Edot
Its been a minute.
It’s going

Tbh it’s quiet but in the good way. Clans are active but not much is going on outside of the normal game play.

:/ any OGs still playing? Hows the economy? How much is a know/combo. Same problems from 3 years ago?

Re: How is it going?

Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2020 8:39 pm
by LeGenDzZ
Its been a minute.
It’s going

Tbh it’s quiet but in the good way. Clans are active but not much is going on outside of the normal game play.

:/ any OGs still playing? Hows the economy? How much is a know/combo. Same problems from 3 years ago?
Hey bud, games dead and barely any new content, pretty much all OGs have already seen the writing on the wall.

Re: How is it going?

Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2020 10:10 pm
by alleniverson339
It’s going

Tbh it’s quiet but in the good way. Clans are active but not much is going on outside of the normal game play.

:/ any OGs still playing? Hows the economy? How much is a know/combo. Same problems from 3 years ago?
Hey bud, games dead and barely any new content, pretty much all OGs have already seen the writing on the wall.

The game is not DEAD.
UPDATE have been delay because of Corona virus problem. Why cant you understand the situation? We have real life pandemic problems here and all you care are games. Players are just so addicted in these game, they forgot that were facing a serious problem against Corona virus.