Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Time to Call it Quits :(

“Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another: "What! You too? I thought that no one but myself . . ."”
― C.S. Lewis

This has been such a blast! I've played for 2 1/2 years and have enjoyed every bit of it. But with school, sports, and big tests coming up, Celtic Heroes just doesn't fit into my life anymore. Although I am quitting Celtic Heroes, the friendships I have made well stick with me forever. You guys are such fun gamers to play with. I have made some AMAZING friendships in this game and I wanted to give a shout out to some of my best friends in the game.

Dainic - Training almost everyday with you was super fun :)
RyuNey - UpRising was fun wasn't it? :P Gunna miss ya.
Vision - Thanks for your great leadership in HolyTemplar. See ya bud.
Slappy - I think we had the craziest conversations sometimes :P
Rogue139 - OMG playing True or Dare with you! LOL I had to pee once (So mature)
Shugocharadia - Never learned how to pronounce your name :P
Galadeep - I think we met in the craziest way possible lol. But, you were a great friend :)
Dratharz - Thanks for convincing me to join UpRising!
TheDarkRanger - We never get to make a video together but our Skype chats were pretty random :P Keep on making those videos, I'll be watching.
Sterk - Super great general of UpRising :)
Brad1234 - Thanks for doing that give away :p
Tabatha - I think you leveled me up from 120 to 130. Thanks!
12ayne - Still missin UpRising :P Had fun training with ya!
Thor840 - If you chop off another finger lol :P
Toadertaboss - Training days were fun weren't they :)
GLORIOUS - I'll miss your all caps greetings "P
Thenight - Thanks for all the support on my channel.
INotLikeYou - I know you have quit already but I'll still miss ya bud.

You guys were super fun to play with :) (If I missed you, my apologies. Made to many good friends in Celtic Heroes :P)

Niffmiester, Ishmael, Matturias, You guys are the best! I'll miss you guys so much! UpRising was and still is my favorite clan. Thank you for all the time and effort you put into the clan! I'll miss you guys a bunch :)

Just for your information, this isn't just a "break." I have officially quit Celtic Heroes and will never play it again :( Again, I'll miss you guy so much!!!

Your friend Cadaver
Last edited by Herry on Thu Nov 07, 2013 7:06 am, edited 1 time in total.
Since 2011

Re: Time to Call it Quits :(

That sucks :( everyones quitting,

Rogue139? :p i see how it is :lol:

You are ine of the funniest guys i met in the game, youre videos made me laugh in every one :D good luck in school and in life in general, and dont delete the app! Visit from time to time!
Houston/rogue216-lvl 216 combined-140 rogue and 76 druid,

Become one with the 216 today! Consultations are Monday- Friday 8 am to 6pm. No walk-ins, only scheduled appointments allowed!

Re: Time to Call it Quits :(

Thanks for mentioning me xD I remember you never liked clans back in the old days, and I kept begging u to join HT so you finally caved :D It was a fun time playing with ya and I'll miss you :)
Live long and prosper,
Vision _\/

Re: Time to Call it Quits :(

:'( oh my god... Cadaver you have me in streams of tears...
I love you man! And I will miss you crazy amounts!
Make sure you stay in touch when you can.
Take care and all the best in your academic studies!
Lotsa love, Niff (aka. niffMISTER) xx
Ps. remember if you eat too many beans the more you'll toot :P

Re: Time to Call it Quits :(

Bye Cad,

I didn't know you for long, but I watched a few of your vids and read some of your posts.
Hey, since I have you friended in-game, could you do me a favor?

Log in from time to time to keep my friends list from becoming stale? ;)

Hey one small bit of advice. It's probably best to try'n avoid saying you won't ever be back.
There's something about CH that keeps bringing people back. Makes me think maybe the developers put some kindof addicting substance in the code. :geek:

Either way, take care man! Do drop a line to your friends from time to time, K?
Kril - Chief Editor, The Dal Riata Enquirer
lev 228 Rogue - Gwydion

Clan Relentless

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Set a man aflame, you warm him for the rest of his life.

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