Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: Are we heading in the right direction?


What made you like DKP now instead of FFA?
Him losing out on his dl for 4 years straight
Dkp is completely irrelevant to DL armour.
DL is randomly rolled? or distributed as set via loot council?

There are two types of people in this world: Those who crave closure

A business is more profitable if they don't gouge and piss off customers.

Re: Are we heading in the right direction?

We originally made a loot council that voted on dl, I previously had this system in the Gwydion clan I was in. I disliked this system in Gwydion though as it facilitated an environment where friendships and sucking up may take priority over ensuring the most deserving gets geared. There are limitations on a completely objective system like the one we use as it doesn't take into account the countless hours leaders put into updating points and keeping the clan running. But I think this is the best possible way to dish out gear in an objective manner which doesn't encourage sucking up to leaders for gear. (or people complaining about alts being geared over mains)
UltimateIronman - Level 50 Morrigan

Youtube Series here

Re: Are we heading in the right direction?

Neither, we have an attendance chart tracking all dl and edl boss attendances, then we have minimum requirements for each piece. And you earn your dl this way.
We did the same thing initially. But we were trying to make as many sets as quickly possible for Mordris, (and then Gelebron for EDL), so we decided it's better to distribute them as sets via loot council using attendance as a guide, rather than doling out the quest items for each piece. Especially DL items where eggs and urns are used for Legs/BP and it doesn't make sense giving someone a gloves or boots if someone else can complete a set.

There are two types of people in this world: Those who crave closure

A business is more profitable if they don't gouge and piss off customers.

Re: Are we heading in the right direction?

Firstly, my name isn't a serious ego name.
Secondly, are we heading the right way with this server? Being a general of Syndicate it may seem hypocritical however we have a new world. A new world means new opportunity and are we wasting this? We should learn from looking at other servers that Epona is thriving and others are dying. Why is this? Open world. Should we be heading in the direction of a thriving, or dying community? I know this stuff is meant to happen organically but atm it isn't and I have my concerns. I'd like to hear feedback on this.
You were a general of syndicate?
Thailen (Ranger 124) Donn
Lil Thai (Warrior 222) Donn
Thai Jr (Mage 170) Donn
Sneaky Thai (Rogue 190) Donn

Re: Are we heading in the right direction?

Nuada is basically a much much less developed version of worlds with no competition (it's only a matter of time until Nuada starts seeing competition, which means drama)... why play on Nuada when you can play on a much larger server with a larger market, clans, and better gear? Nuada isn't new anymore, and that nostalgic feeling is completely gone.

We had one chance to make a fun unique server, different from the rest... and you all blew it. This is the last time I'll speak of this, even though I truly am frustrated by how we blew this fresh start Otm kindly gave to us.
Zkills, Proud general of the beloved KodiakReavers of Belenus, the G.O.A.T clan

Professor/Detective Zkills, op mage of Epona, chieftain of KodiakReavers. Server banned for doing PvP in arena.

Can you do the impossible?
Celtic Heroes Ultimate Challenge

Re: Are we heading in the right direction?

Nuada is basically a much much less developed version of worlds with no competition (it's only a matter of time until Nuada starts seeing competition, which means drama)... why play on Nuada when you can play on a much larger server with a larger market, clans, and better gear? Nuada isn't new anymore, and that nostalgic feeling is completely gone.

We had one chance to make a fun unique server, different from the rest... and you all blew it. This is the last time I'll speak of this, even though I truly am frustrated by how we blew this fresh start Otm kindly gave to us.
How was it blown? This shows how servers naturally develop in fast forward... people favor a strong central clan so that is what resulted.
Feel free to pm me about anything or talk to me in game :D
Bob The God
This Bob guy is a guide? Legitimately?
Former EG try hard who’s now relaxing midgame on crom.
Fire Mages are where its at

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