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Re: Ink,air,smeag and queef one day truce

Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2014 12:42 pm
by Arachnid
Btw im not chieftain never was never will be. And as far as I've heard you arent chieftain either so that shots that all to hell. Sec u walk away? U mean from mordis and hrung and necro? All bosses u cant do. Or u mean 200 full? Because i havent seen u ther only your clnnies trying to grief adds and calm tanks. So u can say u walk away but if you were actually chieftain then maybe your clannies would listen to u what u ask them to do or not to do. Unless once again u trying to put on a good frt and secretly telling them to mess with bosses, otherwise why not punish those that disobey the chief? Just a thought you might consider to get your clannies to follow rules.
When im online as a cheiftain i always say walk away....

Its good practise and shows others whats right and wrong for future (morally or immorally)

Listen players with higher status can alter other players thoughts (in this case its for the good)

I guess by your personal clearly dont understand that part from players perspectives (doesnt matter what clan your in)
I've said it a million times, but I'll say it again.... U can walk away all u want, but it wont change anything. I was all for ur peacefull approach Ink. But as long as Air is standing, the zombies will follow her even off cliff. This is why your dreams have been crushed and ruined.

No one in kudos respects the perspectives of the players, no one is listened to, and no one does anything to fix a problem which is clearly super glueing them to the cement they walk on.

As powerful as you might think u are... U cannot and will not change a single thing inside that clan without help or without a serious reality check and start making game changing decisions. I dont see that happing any time soon. I believe there are no treaty's left, you missed the train bud.

Re: Ink,air,smeag and queef one day truce

Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2014 12:55 pm
by Lawsdog222
Ill wish you a safe journey on that train ara

Carry on with your adventure ....platform to platform (train talk)

Ill carry on walking

Healthier patient and never in rush.

Choo choo hurry up catch that train bud !

Re: Ink,air,smeag and queef one day truce

Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2014 12:58 pm
by Arachnid
Only difference is...I'll have an adventure, u wont at that pace.

Re: Ink,air,smeag and queef one day truce

Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2014 4:25 pm
by Smeagle
Apparently i dont, because i have always been taught to do onto others as they have done unto u. And as a high level player i tell my clannies that there are no rules against griefing kiddos or killing in arena. And you telling them isnt working, so u can probably stop telling them because they arent listening. You do what you believe is best for your clan, and our leaders will do what we feel benefits our clan the most. Helping you guys kill bosses you otherwise have no chance at, isnt in our best interest. Allowing you guys to grief without getting the same done onto u, also not in our best interest. So when ALL your clannies stop griefing, then and only then will we approach our clannies about doing the same. But to be honest your hallow words meaning nothing to our clan, we seen the deceit to many times already. So enjoy the clannies that follow u, and think about the ones that dont want what u want. I have told my clan that u seem like u want some sorta peace but that your leader is 100% against it, and that we would talk to YOU about peace but not while the other has any say in the clan. Choice is always yours. New update coming soon and we wont be stabbed again in the backs.

Re: Ink,air,smeag and queef one day truce

Posted: Thu Dec 25, 2014 2:47 am
by Smidge
All in all we do not want to truce with kudos anymore unless the clans attitude as a whole changes not half the clan and the other clan not truce.
We do not want to treaty with clans who have liers and rule breakers as clansman and mainly leadership.

We have tried before and the truce has been broken, you guys lost your chance. Being the bigger clan (killing best bosses/best gear/more higher levels) I think we have priority on which we want changing if we are to truce which is the way it works on most other games.
You guys know yourselfs what is wrong with your clan but you hide it then play the blame game and bury it all with lies.

Without something changing i don't see how the game is going to change much for you, with gabrions tower on the way and you guys are still in v3 it doesn't look good just some advice from me. I've seen you try to change your attitude these last few weeks ink and I and other clannies appreciate that. Finally glad to see someone in the rival clan trying atleast to fix things but sucks that you can't see or admit for yourself what's wrong apart from blaming us.

Re: Ink,air,smeag and queef one day truce

Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2014 3:14 pm
by enterage
I'm just gonna say there's never going to be a truce even if air decided for one with ur attitude smeagle be a little happier u might just maybe enjoy life a bit more instead of complaining on every post

Re: Ink,air,smeag and queef one day truce

Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2014 12:24 am
by Smeagle
Enterage can u honestly tell me what ascension gains from a truce with kuddos? And then tell me what kuddos gains out of an agreement? If you can say we both benifit even closely the same then maybe we would consider( without airees benefitting of cours) but as a clan we see virtually no benefit to a treaty with kuddos. Maybe someone has put a thought in your head that both benefit equally, so pkease enlighten me on our benefits. Ty

Re: Ink,air,smeag and queef one day truce

Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2014 9:33 am
by VelocityRogue

Re: Ink,air,smeag and queef one day truce

Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2014 10:45 am
by Cyprus
The thread was posted up to see if we could get a one day truce going over the holidays. ( spirit of Christmas and all that jazz) xmas is over ,didn't happen lets move on .

Re: Ink,air,smeag and queef one day truce

Posted: Sat Jan 03, 2015 5:29 pm
by VultureFromDanu