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Snorri 6* - Duoed

Thanks for everyone that helped..
Here's what happened.
So a normal lock fight, Ronin vs Elementals vs Me and My Ranger,
6* Spawns,
Ronins Locks,
Ronin Wiped at 50%,
I lock,
I Kill.
Thanks all who congratulated. Good sport. Thx all!
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Toon Name: Mehran

Server: Belenus

Class: Rogue

Lvl: 186

1st person to get full DL outside of top 2 clans on Belenus. Got the first 2 sets, rouge and ranger.

Re: Snorri 6* - Duoed

dont want to be a hater but thats not duoed, i told ronin before you are no good - definateli defending my clan here you are the type of guy who wont get far in CH,

Aka Mendel
CouchPotato 223 Rogue, Belenus

If you can't devide us, you can't conquer us.

Re: Snorri 6* - Duoed

Duoing a boss means you and one other toon killed it from the start to finish, not grabbing it at half health. I'm not sure killing snorri with 2 toons is all that impressive at this point in the game considering its been done a lot by now

But why is this in general chat and not in your specific server?
Zyz 220 Druid
Noah Fences 220 Rogue

Re: Snorri 6* - Duoed

Duoing a boss means you and one other toon killed it from the start to finish, not grabbing it at half health. I'm not sure killing snorri with 2 toons is all that impressive at this point in the game considering its been done a lot by now

But why is this in general chat and not in your specific server?
When snorri was first introduced, he was soloed by 1 ranger lol.

Re: Snorri 6* - Duoed

dont want to be a hater but thats not duoed, i told ronin before you are no good - definateli defending my clan here you are the type of guy who wont get far in CH,

Aka Mendel
Exe is a funny guy, you should see him in epona his character looks hilarious lmao!

Re: Snorri 6* - Duoed

Well well well,
As we all have seen, sex sells.

In that sense,

I'm really trying to make sense of this.
Dont. Intro and Exe are our special kids.
#NerfMages #AvoidBalance #WhyPlayARogue #MeatShieldOnly #HealingSlavesOnly

OP dps warrior on Belenus, hot af melee druid on Nuada. #Elementals #Apex

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