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BadaBing and BadaRTC's Easter Egg Hunt

Thanks everyone for making BadaBIng and BadaRTC's first Easter egg hunt a great success! Congratulations to our winners who all received a super xp lix
  • - JcBeast
    - Ffara (found two!)
    - Legolas15
    - Phyzem
Thank you so much to the people that helped me hide the eggs. Your participation made this possible!
  • - Darkkn1ght
    - Assasin14
    - BriaThorne
    - Archett
And finally, thank you to all the people who put up with us all asking you for eggs :lol:
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Re: BadaBing and BadaRTC's Easter Egg Hunt

Well the spamming for eggs isnt over yet cause a new hunt has started, organized by divinity.

Uskoci get ready to get spammed!!! ;)
Omg Ffara spammed me on like six different toons within about an hour

Soooo annoying. Terrible terrible terrible terrible treasure hunt. Brilliant trolling.
General of Seed - Crom
Druid 216+ & 130 something on Arawn retured in 2013
Rangers 221+ And 190+
Rogues 220+, 210+, 150+, 97+ & 150 on Arawn retired in 2013
Mage 214+
Warrior 218+

Ex member of Badabing, Celts, Uskoci & Serenity on Arawn

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