Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Search found 25 matches

Re: Speculation...

Finally, spirit pheonix will make mages the ultimate pvpers. Warriors will no longer stand against us, their resistance will crumble before our might and we will rule what is rightfully ours. Maybe it will only cost one token to upgrade lux pets to spirit... Difinitus confirmed in discord that it t...

Re: Dino wand vs Gele wands

dino grims are pretty neat if you’re more of a group player (and want the raids to go faster and smoother) and care about pvp. Generally speaking grims aren’t bad dps wise in any way possible and will always remain a viable mainhand choice. Depending on crits has and will never be a reliable form o...

Fire vs Ice

Today in 2021, which is the best? I remember an old post saying that fire surpassed ice, but I don't know if it was true, and if it was, was fire / is it really superior to ice?

Re: Dino wand vs Gele wands

What about grimoires? Would it be possible to get critics frequently if we add a tier 6 dragon (+1k critical skill ability) + a dark dino grim (+900 critic skill ability) + cg offy (+250 critic skill ability) ?? Does anyone know if this would be a viable source of dps dino grims are pretty neat if ...

Re: lack of responsiveness

Profitable or not warhammer is one crappy game. Rather play clash or clans even that keeps my attention longer...
Ironically, Clash of clans is almost as stagnant as CH, ok, it is still updated frequently, but be honest, it is a far cry from what it once was

Re: Dino wand vs Gele wands

What about grimoires? Would it be possible to get critics frequently if we add a tier 6 dragon (+1k critical skill ability) + a dark dino grim (+900 critic skill ability) + cg offy (+250 critic skill ability) ?? Does anyone know if this would be a viable source of dps

Re: lack of responsiveness

"... ...
Just accept the reality, move on,

... ...
Just focus everything on Warhammer

… …"
Thats exactly what VR want, and thats why CH turned out to be like this now.[/quote]

Okay, they can do that, but I want to hear from their mouths that they gave up on ch

Re: Give us something DEVS

Sad to even see DEVS dont even log fourms anymore
It is a literal abandonment, they have the right to produce and get excited about another game, but it was quite irresponsible and greedy to want to do that and abandon their already consolidated 10-year mmorpg.

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