Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

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Re: Ascension now recruiting

MmmmmMMMMnnn MMMnnn... Mmm.. Now i have been all over the recent posts about infection flaming Ascension, and might i say that my spidey senses are tingling! I predicted that when i quit CH (leaving behind many crying and upset fans who loved me and presented me with the best and fairest player and ...

Re: To clan ascension

there ya go idiot, no proof, just lies. I never scammed. Rumours are very easy to spread. One person tells another, the chain continues and then everyone is subject to lies. I thought you would be more intelligent, but obviously not.

Re: To clan ascension

Moneyshot, I'm not some stuck up scallywag who wants to prove different by writing in blue, but your accusations against me are myths made up by people who don't like me. I never scammed, ask any of my friends on the game. Unless you can tell me who i scammed, and what i scammed (you don't because y...

Re: To clan ascension

-----///// THE DARK TROLL RISES \\\\\----- (Batman music) Mmmmmmmm... Mmmmmmmmmmm... mmmmmmm.. let me think...... mmmm.. Mmmmmk.. Now! I just couldn't resist coming back to the forums for a troll. I call it a 'troll break''. After a long period of time with my head down, buttocks up, working hard, i...

Gone for good.

Goodbye Herne. This time its real, the app is deleted, I've given away everything to my closest friends. Some of you were awesome, some of you i could tolerate, some of you were annoying past reasonable toleration, and some of you were in infection (the worst of you). I know that a lot of people are...

Re: Greedyness

Just excuse me while i put my troops into the battle too. I think we all agree that Herne is greedy, greedy, greedy. But what I'm darn diddly do dong ding saying is that (this is a rhetorical question), why doesn't everyone be fair? People want more and more and more.. No morals are shown... I sugge...

Re: And so it continues.......

Oooh... detective shaden on the prowl again. Narcissism is the closest word i could describe your clan to be in my vocabulary, if you have a better word, please share it with me so we can discuss this. However you are self-centred and a bit mean to anyone who disagrees with your ideals. If you disag...

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