Imagine making a reply to a forum topic to try and publicly discredit your competitors by stating nothing other than blatant lies and promoting your own biased twisted clan views. It's a good thing that's exactly what I didn't do myself. I stated nothing but the facts and presented zero speculation with my remarks to Ret's DKP system. Everyone knows how DKP systems with no decay work. The OP doesn't need to take my word solely for it. And it certainly doesn't require a genius to understand why DKP systems without any decay or bidding structure are stupid. People can make conclusions based on this without ever having to join Ret. Notice I didn't need to say "Ret's leaders are corrupt." Just the mere fact your system uses no decay and no bidding is enough to steer away most people who have sense.Since the objective here appears to try and claim superiority in the gear system. I will add to it by informing the players that the poll system you mention among your clan is very corrupted. As the voting will go towards players with popularity and have multiple accounts within the group to vote with. Aside from rolls being pure luck based and guarantees no reward among participating players.To the OP -
Ret uses a type of DKP system which has no decay and no bidding. Effectively giving older, more established members an almost indefinite advantage until a new raid boss comes out and a new tally is formed. Because this type of system requires a lot of extra work outside the game, and not many people in ret help maintain requests/fulfillments, it is common for some requests to take weeks before being fulfilled. It is also common with these type of systems for hundreds of lower tier/less desirable loot to rot in the clan bank for years due to most members hoarding points for better loot.
Toxic has steered away from DKP mostly due to the amount of extra work it requires to maintain. We instead use a roll system for most loot. Everyone who attended the raid gets to roll for items they can equip on toons that they own. Nobody can win more than 50% of the loot from any single raid. This way, we don't have a bank full of items that won't ever see the light of day. High tier loot is collected and requests are fulfilled by polling. Every active member in the clan gets to vote between everyone who requested the item. All gear is handed out within 24 hours in nearly every case.
Just to further clarify in regards to our system, each member in Toxic is only allowed one single Line account to enter into the polling group. So far, every single member in the clan has received gear since joining Toxic. These are facts, not the same biased propaganda you and others like to promote.
There are 40+ members currently active in our voting chat and the outcome of each poll is impossible to manipulate. People with common sense and experience in dealing with our system understand this. Not you.
I also find it funny how the stories and false rumors Ret has used to try and sway people's opinions keeps changing. It started with claims that I hoard all the gear. Then after it became abundantly apparent that was false, it changed to something else. And now it's "Your voting system is corrupt" lol k.