Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: Golden candles

I kind of give up. I wanted the purple version but Golden's are a fools errand (at least I was wearing my jester fashion as I was on the mission).

I'd prefer a system similar to how the ling vendor was last year for nodens: so require a specific amount of regular candles to equal maybe 1 golden then can go turn in for the blessed versions. That would remove the luck out of the system and give something to actually work towards without it feeling fruitless.
I love this idea. This would make collecting so much more fun and rewarding!

I’ve now been farming these candles for about 3 hours a day since the event began, and I’ve gotten enough regular candles for 2 and a half full sets of plain crowns, but I haven’t even found enough golden candles to earn the blessed red crown. The past few days, I haven’t seen a single golden one. At this rate, if the event ends in April, I still won’t have the blessed white crown. I am all for rarity, but this is ridiculous. Please improve the drop rate or add a mechanism like LadyNymeria suggested, so we actually have a chance of earning these crowns without sacrificing our every waking hour to farming candles.
Well met

Re: Golden candles

+1 to Lady's idea. you still have to work for it but its at least within your grasp eventually. I have farmed 3000 candles and only 3 golden since the event began. at this Rate I'd need to farm 15000 candles for a maybe 15 candles. Its a bit extreme.

Re: Golden candles

I kind of give up. I wanted the purple version but Golden's are a fools errand (at least I was wearing my jester fashion as I was on the mission).

I'd prefer a system similar to how the ling vendor was last year for nodens: so require a specific amount of regular candles to equal maybe 1 golden then can go turn in for the blessed versions. That would remove the luck out of the system and give something to actually work towards without it feeling fruitless.
Michael Artisan - Warrior, Blake Artisan - Rogue, Ren Artisan - Ranger, Gabriel Artisan - Mage, Yaray (until VR let's me add Artisan to the name) - Druid

Guardian Deity of Danu

Buying White Lanrik Pants on Danu!!!!

Re: Golden candles

So far I have collected around 11k normal candles including those used for the full normal set of hats and am currently on 25 golden candles. To me it seems that it would take around 80-100+hrs of farming based on luck to get the white version. Would love some sort of turn in feature such as 1000 normal candles for 1 golden just to make it feel like the normal candles aren’t useless once the set is done. IMO that would be the only way to be able to completed multiple high level particle hats without playing 10+hrs daily for weeks.

Re: Golden candles

I gave up on them after I realized when equipping it that it gives you this new hair style. I'd much prefer to keep the hair style the toon has in addition to equipping the hat or horns or whatever you want to call it.
Zyz 220 Druid
Noah Fences 220 Rogue

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