Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

First Druid gele kill on herne

After trying a lot ._. And getting continuously over casted and losing to full dg rogues and rangers I finally got a Druid kill on gele ,_, it only took like 50 attempts to get the kill ,_, I also like to dedicate this post to curry for always believing in me ._. I strongly believe that the amount of chickens I’ve given him has helped me get the kill. Also otm give curry a chicken mount please he deserves it.

Proud to be the Biggest Noob in crom :)
(Warrior) Heroskill: 191 - retired

(Druid) DemDruidsDoe - 221 (Totem Build Druid)

---> https://myanimelist.net/profile/Heroskill <---

Re: First Druid gele kill on herne

Congrats on the achievement! I am leveling a druid, but as a healer, I won't be nearly as successful as you.

I have a vision... I will buy many Ressurection Idols in my character's lifetime.
Where are the gifs! You are not a real community manage if you don't use gifs!
Herne - LazyDrunks

Ranger 222Mage 220
Rogue 222
Warrior 221
Warrior 207

Re: First Druid gele kill on herne

Congrats on the achievement! I am leveling a druid, but as a healer, I won't be nearly as successful as you.

I have a vision... I will buy many Ressurection Idols in my character's lifetime.
Where are the gifs! You are not a real community manage if you don't use gifs!

World: Epona

Alyssandra Ranger Lvl 221
Atropos Druid Lvl 225
Nyssa Rogue Lvl 215
Briar Rose Mage Lvl 215

Lasciel Rogue Lvl 217
Owl Ranger Lvl 190
Lenore Druid Lvl 191

I could agree with you, but then we'd both be wrong.

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