Celtic Heroes

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There are numerous topics open on servers who can never possible get the numbers or the power to kill this boss. 60+ people on? Sure my clan can do it, but even then the concentration of good gear is so low that its not even worth attempting unless every single one of our well geared members is online, and most of those well geared players are the ones multi logged on multiple accounts which limits their individual effectiveness.

We waited over a year for this one boss im here asking you not to make us wait another 6 months to 1 year to be able to kill this. If you do want it to take that long then your going to have to withhold any further update for several years because otherwise introducing more bosses will just become more and more redundant and we still wont have progressed past tower. You have already talked about your plans for future updates but how is that going work if we cant even incorporate the loot from this addition.

I would like to see bloodthorns elemental and physical resists lowered slightly, that is all it would take to cut numbers from the requirement and lower the over reliance on divine damage (mele do remember that the majority of your damage is physical based)

There are endless possibilities as to how this boss could be better suited to both the company (most servers arent even able to put up an attempt which means less plat items needed :p ) and the player base
World: Gwydion Clan: Relentless

Krumz~220+ Mage
Krums~220+ Dps Druid

Retirement dident work out for me .-.

Re: Bloodthorn

+1 to your depiction of issue, -1 to your solution.
I’d rather see the whole boss redone. Incorporate the type of strategy as seen in the faction bosses and redesign the raid for 30ish people, maybe even 25 (and actually killable with this amount, unlike the faction bosses which require double the listed needed amount...)
I’d much rather the raid be extremely tough due to strategy than have a high player requirement. I love the loot, but I hate the boss. It’s been well over 2 years, I think we as a community wouldn’t mind waiting another month if it means the raid boss can be designed better.
Would rather wait a month for a better design than as krummy said a year for enough T8 offhands and dg sets
Feel free to pm me about anything or talk to me in game :D
Bob The God
This Bob guy is a guide? Legitimately?
Former EG try hard who’s now relaxing midgame on crom.
Fire Mages are where its at

Re: Bloodthorn

Tier 8 offhands basically takes a minimum of about a month to obtain, not necccesarily 6 months.

Until we obtained the 40+ people with Tier 8 offhands, the player base can’t really complain that it’s too hard to kill until we achieved what the designers intended for us to kill it with.

Although some players are complaining that Tier 8 offhands wouldn’t make too much of a difference, Im pretty sure no server has actually tried to kill it with everyone Tier 8 offhands. So until you try it, can’t exactly complain till then.

Re: Bloodthorn

+1 to your depiction of issue, -1 to your solution.
I’d rather see the whole boss redone. Incorporate the type of strategy as seen in the faction bosses and redesign the raid for 30ish people, maybe even 25 (and actually killable with this amount, unlike the faction bosses which require double the listed needed amount...)
I’d much rather the raid be extremely tough due to strategy than have a high player requirement. I love the loot, but I hate the boss. It’s been well over 2 years, I think we as a community wouldn’t mind waiting another month if it means the raid boss can be designed better.
Would rather wait a month for a better design than as krummy said a year for enough T8 offhands and dg sets
zkiiii lvl 220 mage
desi ranger, lvl193 ranger
member of PEGASUS, LUGH
server EPONA
zkiii lvl145 mage
member of EVIL CLOWNS

Re: Bloodthorn

Tier 8 offhands basically takes a minimum of about a month to obtain, not necccesarily 6 months.

Until we obtained the 40+ people with Tier 8 offhands, the player base can’t really complain that it’s too hard to kill until we achieved what the designers intended for us to kill it with.

Although some players are complaining that Tier 8 offhands wouldn’t make too much of a difference, Im pretty sure no server has actually tried to kill it with everyone Tier 8 offhands. So until you try it, can’t exactly complain till then.
One month = 4 weeks
T8 offhand = 7 echos
1 echo =1 week
Thus; 7 echos =7 weeks
And, 7 weeks > 4 weeks = 1 month
And thus; it takes longer than a month, almost 2 months actually, to acquire the T8 offhand.

This is really simple math. Playing the game and figuring out which gear to use requires higher levels of algebra...

The current boss set up was poorly done, especially in comparison to the new faction bosses.
Whether or not requiring T8 offhands is a good move, 40 people is still more than should be required. Also OTM has shown with this update their estimates are off, just look at the faction bosses...
Feel free to pm me about anything or talk to me in game :D
Bob The God
This Bob guy is a guide? Legitimately?
Former EG try hard who’s now relaxing midgame on crom.
Fire Mages are where its at

Re: Bloodthorn

+1 to your depiction of issue, -1 to your solution.
I’d rather see the whole boss redone. Incorporate the type of strategy as seen in the faction bosses and redesign the raid for 30ish people, maybe even 25 (and actually killable with this amount, unlike the faction bosses which require double the listed needed amount...)
I’d much rather the raid be extremely tough due to strategy than have a high player requirement. I love the loot, but I hate the boss. It’s been well over 2 years, I think we as a community wouldn’t mind waiting another month if it means the raid boss can be designed better.
Would rather wait a month for a better design than as krummy said a year for enough T8 offhands and dg sets
100% agree altho that would require otm openly admitting that they messed up on the entire design, and I honestly dont think they are willing to do that. A simple health or resistance nerf definitely inst what we want but i think it is actually something they would be willing to consider.
World: Gwydion Clan: Relentless

Krumz~220+ Mage
Krums~220+ Dps Druid

Retirement dident work out for me .-.

Re: Bloodthorn

+1 to your depiction of issue, -1 to your solution.
I’d rather see the whole boss redone. Incorporate the type of strategy as seen in the faction bosses and redesign the raid for 30ish people, maybe even 25 (and actually killable with this amount, unlike the faction bosses which require double the listed needed amount...)
I’d much rather the raid be extremely tough due to strategy than have a high player requirement. I love the loot, but I hate the boss. It’s been well over 2 years, I think we as a community wouldn’t mind waiting another month if it means the raid boss can be designed better.
Would rather wait a month for a better design than as krummy said a year for enough T8 offhands and dg sets
100% agree altho that would require otm openly admitting that they messed up on the entire design, and I honestly dont think they are willing to do that. A simple health or resistance nerf definitely inst what we want but i think it is actually something they would be willing to consider.
Whether or not they admit it, it’s the truth, but I have to agree with you that them owning up to an oversight is less likely than hell freezing over twice with Satan getting struck by lighting 5 times in one spot while winning the lottery... :lol:
So ya, your solution is probably the only one OTM would consider, but if for some reason the winds have changed direction, it would be nice to see the boss redesigned to mirror the kind of strat needed for faction bosses. Those bosses are really involved and a lot of fun, and also pretty challenging.
Feel free to pm me about anything or talk to me in game :D
Bob The God
This Bob guy is a guide? Legitimately?
Former EG try hard who’s now relaxing midgame on crom.
Fire Mages are where its at

Re: Bloodthorn

Garden Release :May 8
Today: May 22th
Takes like 2-3 days of Lich/Reaver farming for Tier 1 Offhand

Two Weeks Passed = Tier 3 offhand
Tier 8 = 7 Weeks needed
7 Weeks - 2 Weeks = 5 Weeks

As long as you been killing faction bosses since Garden Update, you theoretically should have Tier 3, requiring only 5 weeks more for Tier 8, so basically like 1 month.

Re: Bloodthorn

Garden Release :May 8
Today: May 22th
Takes like 2-3 days of Lich/Reaver farming for Tier 1 Offhand

Two Weeks Passed = Tier 3 offhand
Tier 8 = 7 Weeks needed
7 Weeks - 2 Weeks = 5 Weeks

As long as you been killing faction bosses since Garden Update, you theoretically should have Tier 3, requiring only 5 weeks more for Tier 8, so basically like 1 month.
Month and a half, and many haven’t. Your clans best tank *shout out to SlyShadows :D * only has T3 offhand as an example. Many on many worlds only have T3 or T2 as well. Lots have real life commitments and haven’t had a chance to farm faction as heavily as others.
To get from start to finish it takes about 2 months, which is fine, but it’s a poor set up for the boss.

And like I said above, regardless of the offhands, 40 people is 10-15 more than should be required. Instead of making it a point and stab DPS race they should redesign the raid to make it strategy oriented so that it can still be a hard raid but will only require 25-30 people.
Feel free to pm me about anything or talk to me in game :D
Bob The God
This Bob guy is a guide? Legitimately?
Former EG try hard who’s now relaxing midgame on crom.
Fire Mages are where its at

Re: Bloodthorn

+1 to your depiction of issue, -1 to your solution.
I’d rather see the whole boss redone. Incorporate the type of strategy as seen in the faction bosses and redesign the raid for 30ish people, maybe even 25 (and actually killable with this amount, unlike the faction bosses which require double the listed needed amount...)
I’d much rather the raid be extremely tough due to strategy than have a high player requirement. I love the loot, but I hate the boss. It’s been well over 2 years, I think we as a community wouldn’t mind waiting another month if it means the raid boss can be designed better.
Would rather wait a month for a better design than as krummy said a year for enough T8 offhands and dg sets
100% agree altho that would require otm openly admitting that they messed up on the entire design, and I honestly dont think they are willing to do that. A simple health or resistance nerf definitely inst what we want but i think it is actually something they would be willing to consider.
Whether or not they admit it, it’s the truth, but I have to agree with you that them owning up to an oversight is less likely than hell freezing over twice with Satan getting struck by lighting 5 times in one spot while winning the lottery... :lol:
So ya, your solution is probably the only one OTM would consider, but if for some reason the winds have changed direction, it would be nice to see the boss redesigned to mirror the kind of strat needed for faction bosses. Those bosses are really involved and a lot of fun, and also pretty challenging.
Wait... Are you saying Faction Bosses take strategy? I know for a fact Reaver boss doesn't actually take a strategy, I haven't done Lich, so I don't know about that one. But literally all I've ever done at Reaver Faction boss is literally just run through the slow and then immediately start attack, if it teleports, I just follow and start attacking again. Breaking the shield I guess could be considered a type of strategy, but you literally have to do that or you die, so basically that's just attacking also...
Yurian Stonebow of Epona
And some other alts of unmentionable levels.

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