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Game-wide Auction House

Is it possible to get a game-wide Auction House, or at least an IOS server-wide one and an Android server-wide one?

Seems to me it might solve several chronic problems. Not necessarily in order of importance...

1. It would enable access to gear that can be unattainable on your own server. Im sure at least many of the monopoly servers have that rule about gear belonging to the clan and drops not being sold. That rule keeps gear monopolized and is a big part of why new clans dont have a decent chance to grow to a point of competing with a monopoly clan. If you don't have good gear then you can't compete on the bosses that drop good gear and you're stuck. Also, people who may wish to change clans or play alone at some point would still have access to possibly some decent gear in the AH that would enable them to have the freedom to enjoy the game in the way they choose.

2. It would increase the chances a seller might eventually list an item you really want or need for a set, and would increase the potential buyers for someone selling. For collectors it makes no difference since things just sit in your bank anyway. I can see that collectors might fear their banked digital item they dont really own anyway might lose some of its fabricated "worth" (which somehow always seems to make them suddenly less of a person in their own eyes), but it might actually increase demand as many more people see collected items as possibly available for a high enough price. As it is now, if there is only 1 or 2 of something on your server n those who have it absolutely wont sell, then you spend little energy trying to get it. If suddenly it was available, some folks would pay even more for it.

3. Transfering to a new server would be much more appealing if you could put your most special gear on the AH and, if you had the gold to compete for it, buy it back on your new world.

To minimize impact on server economies, the server-wide AH could restrict the categories to fashion, jewelry, stables, weapons and armor. Would be nice if a category of only armor drops was added to try to break up the log jam that whole system creates. The point, though, is that chests, lixs, tokens etc...things that are traded so frequently that they keep the server's economy going...those wouldnt be able to be sold on the server-wide AH so their prices and availibility would still be determined only by their own server.

Those are just a few thoughts and benefits. There may be more. OTM, is such an AH even possible in the not too crazy distant future?

Re: Game-wide Auction House


There is no way to make a multiserver ah without severely altering every economy involved. If there were multiserver ahs, items of demand would either crash or be hoarded, which includes gear, fash, rares, tokens, lix, restos, anything people may want. Which one? I dunno, that depends how the armageddon event plays out.

Also, for your own safety, I also say no. You dont want me to have that much economic power, its a bad idea. When someone has as much as I do, they could hoard every good item and flip it for a premium everytime as there would be like 10x+ more people to sell to.
130m.jpg (103.94 KiB) Viewed 2713 times
So no... meanwhile though, come to lugh, I actually sell good stuff.
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2.jpg (113.4 KiB) Viewed 2713 times
World - Lugh
Furyion - 192 Ice Mage
Stonelord - 100 PvP Warrior
Lavalord - 60 PvP Warrior
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Re: Game-wide Auction House

I like the idea of more cross server interaction, I think it's one of the nicest parts of beta that you can meet new people/hang out with the people you know from other worlds.

In practice I think the ah may be a bit too complicated to make cross server, it will certainly have a huge impact on economies and would most likely see the smaller world's having a lot of the good gear and gold transferred out to the larger ones, the current closed system means that servers can't be emptied. Certainly world's like Epona where you can sell drops freely would end up having a lot of it taken by other servers where you can't.

-1 from me unfortunately.
Pizzazz 222 mage - Epona

Retired ♥
Eurydice 223 mage - Gwydion

Re: Game-wide Auction House

bt on the bright side epona will hv more economy nd will help those (anti dom clan peep) to get stuff on their server nd also prevent peep quitting bcz they couldnt get geared... only problem i see is MERCHING
zkiiii lvl 220 mage
desi ranger, lvl193 ranger
member of PEGASUS, LUGH
server EPONA
zkiii lvl145 mage
member of EVIL CLOWNS

Re: Game-wide Auction House


There is no way to make a multiserver ah without severely altering every economy involved.
Invalid arguement. Aeon was allready introduced as the biggest scam in history of CH towards any "old" player that still play this game.

"Server economies" will settle down and normalize over time, as it did with the scam that was the aeon items.

- It's never to late to undo wrong decisions. The players should be compensated for losing premium paid items due to in game bugs.
- I pledge to never buy any platinum for as long as the Hoax continues

Re: Game-wide Auction House

Aeon was allready introduced as the biggest scam in history of CH towards any "old" player that still play this game.

"Server economies" will settle down and normalize over time, as it did with the scam that was the aeon items.
Lol. The aeon situation is vastly different from this. For starters, each Aeon item is different from the og. It looks the same, while letting collectors be proud of their old stuff.

I'd say -1 to the op. Like others are saying, it would mess up all the economies. I can understand being upset about not getting gear, but this isn't the best solution..
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Re: Game-wide Auction House

Well, then the gear sold through the "server wide AH" could be marked "AH Item"

Then those who obtained the gear the hard way could remain proud of their achievements.

Problem solved =)

- It's never to late to undo wrong decisions. The players should be compensated for losing premium paid items due to in game bugs.
- I pledge to never buy any platinum for as long as the Hoax continues

Re: Game-wide Auction House

moreover server like epona where rolling is done nd chances of getting required drop is already less so they resort to ah... bt just imagine in worldwide ah where alot of ppl wana buy those drops the prices will increase... so making it even harder to gear...
zkiiii lvl 220 mage
desi ranger, lvl193 ranger
member of PEGASUS, LUGH
server EPONA
zkiii lvl145 mage
member of EVIL CLOWNS

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