Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: Find the dragon egg drop rate experimentally

What, are you taunting me? It sure sounds like it. I have yet to be shown one place where it is mentioned that the dragon egg will only come as a jackpot prize from a chest. All yours in game materials indicate otherwise, and the marketing material does not say that either.
I apologize if you felt I was taunting you. I genuinely don't know how you got that from my statement. I was stating that you were correct and that I made a mistake. That we, the company, should have stated that it was a Jackpot Prize in more places and places that are far more noticeable to the player. That mistake of not placing it in more prominent locations will not happen again while I work here. Does that clarify what I meant to you?

Re: Find the dragon egg drop rate experimentally

OTM had a fubar on this event, so many things went terribly wrong. What I want to know is how they are going fix it if at all. If I had known that the Jackpot pet truly wasn’t a jackpot pet at all then I would not have purchased any firebreath chests. I would have bought Aeon chests instead where the jackpot is actually a jackpot and not a straight up lie. Nobody who purchased Aeon chests who hit the jackpot had to do it 5 more times. I am so furious over this whole thing. I’ve been playing off and on since 2013 and this was the first time I have ever hit the jackpot, and when I finally do it turns out to be scam. Perhaps not an intentional one, but I and a plethora of others where certainly fooled and severely disappointed. So not only do we not have a jackpot pet, but people are out of x amount of money spent towards getting one. I hope OTM does something to remedy this for the “jackpot” winners of this event.
Black Company of Taranis

Mercenaries don't care about sides or politics, they care about getting paid.

Re: Find the dragon egg drop rate experimentally

OTM had a fubar on this event, so many things went terribly wrong. What I want to know is how they are going fix it if at all. If I had known that the Jackpot pet truly wasn’t a jackpot pet at all then I would not have purchased any firebreath chests. I would have bought Aeon chests instead where the jackpot is actually a jackpot and not a straight up lie. Nobody who purchased Aeon chests who hit the jackpot had to do it 5 more times. I am so furious over this whole thing. I’ve been playing off and on since 2013 and this was the first time I have ever hit the jackpot, and when I finally do it turns out to be scam. Perhaps not an intentional one, but I and a plethora of others where certainly fooled and severely disappointed. So not only do we not have a jackpot pet, but people are out of x amount of money spent towards getting one. I hope OTM does something to remedy this for the “jackpot” winners of this event.
Are you saying you had no idea that you would have to get 6 eggs to get a max dragon?

I wonder if this is how players felt that spent on thousands of chests to get black and white hunter, frostguard, lanrik, etc expecting never to be able to get those fashions again only to have aeon fashion come out that's identical.
Zyz 220 Druid
Noah Fences 220 Rogue

Re: Find the dragon egg drop rate experimentally

OTM had a fubar on this event, so many things went terribly wrong. What I want to know is how they are going fix it if at all. If I had known that the Jackpot pet truly wasn’t a jackpot pet at all then I would not have purchased any firebreath chests. I would have bought Aeon chests instead where the jackpot is actually a jackpot and not a straight up lie. Nobody who purchased Aeon chests who hit the jackpot had to do it 5 more times. I am so furious over this whole thing. I’ve been playing off and on since 2013 and this was the first time I have ever hit the jackpot, and when I finally do it turns out to be scam. Perhaps not an intentional one, but I and a plethora of others where certainly fooled and severely disappointed. So not only do we not have a jackpot pet, but people are out of x amount of money spent towards getting one. I hope OTM does something to remedy this for the “jackpot” winners of this event.
Are you saying you had no idea that you would have to get 6 eggs to get a max dragon?

I wonder if this is how players felt that spent on thousands of chests to get black and white hunter, frostguard, lanrik, etc expecting never to be able to get those fashions again only to have aeon fashion come out that's identical.
Not the same thing at all, fashion was never listed as a jackpot item. And yes, I and many others had no idea because OTM withheld that information. People that bought chests for fashion actually received fashion. People that purchased fire breath chests for a jackpot dragon did not receive one. They received something completely different than what was advertised. People that purchased fashion only had to do so once and where not deceived into having to do it 6 times.
Black Company of Taranis

Mercenaries don't care about sides or politics, they care about getting paid.

Re: Find the dragon egg drop rate experimentally

OTM had a fubar on this event, so many things went terribly wrong. What I want to know is how they are going fix it if at all. If I had known that the Jackpot pet truly wasn’t a jackpot pet at all then I would not have purchased any firebreath chests. I would have bought Aeon chests instead where the jackpot is actually a jackpot and not a straight up lie. Nobody who purchased Aeon chests who hit the jackpot had to do it 5 more times. I am so furious over this whole thing. I’ve been playing off and on since 2013 and this was the first time I have ever hit the jackpot, and when I finally do it turns out to be scam. Perhaps not an intentional one, but I and a plethora of others where certainly fooled and severely disappointed. So not only do we not have a jackpot pet, but people are out of x amount of money spent towards getting one. I hope OTM does something to remedy this for the “jackpot” winners of this event.
Are you saying you had no idea that you would have to get 6 eggs to get a max dragon?

I wonder if this is how players felt that spent on thousands of chests to get black and white hunter, frostguard, lanrik, etc expecting never to be able to get those fashions again only to have aeon fashion come out that's identical.
Not the same thing at all, fashion was never listed as a jackpot item. And yes, I and many others had no idea because OTM withheld that information. People that bought chests for fashion actually received fashion. People that purchased fire breath chests for a jackpot dragon did not receive one. They received something completely different than what was advertised. People that purchased fashion only had to do so once and where not deceived into having to do it 6 times.
So not true.
I have no interest in fashion, so don't know my hunter from my lanrick. To compensate I'll make a name up. Let's suppose a past event had, as its rarest fashion a glimmering ochre fettuccini fashion set. Now to the serious collector only this set will do. They are not interested in none glimmering and they are not interested in less rare colours, they have to get the glimmering ochre set.
I'm led to believe that in previous event chests, drop rates of individual fashion items with an effect, in the rarest colour had similar drop rates to jackpot prizes, hence the fact that servers only have 1 or maybe 2 of these sets around. Now, whether these rarest forms of fashion were consider jackpot items is irrelevant, only that they had rates similar to known jackpot items is relevant and so to gain any single rare fashion item would be the same as winning a jackpot prize and so could be considered to be winning the jackpot.
As a fashion collector a player would need to therefore win the jackpot 5 times at the very least in order to gain the full set of the fabled red ochre fettuccini set. However this would be considered very lucky. It could be quite conceivable that a player would hit the jackpot 15 times and still not have managed to obtain all 5 individual pieces. Also if a collector has only hit the jackpot once, they truly have something of very little use. A single pair off glimmering ochre gloves are no good to anyone, especially if all you currently are wearing is sparkling mauve gorgonzola fashion.
At least with dragons you know if you hit the jackpot once you still have a fully functioning dragon, albeit one whose stats are hardly exciting. Also, you know if you manage the jackpot 6 times, you know that gets you the best dragon.

Now, to change tack a little bit and consider mounts. Again 100% mounts may have never been explicitly stated as being a jackpot prize, but again my understanding is that drop rates of 100% mounts is similar to jackpot prizes. So, same as above, winning one of these mounts could be considered like winning the jackpot, irrespective of whether it was explicit called a jackpot. Comparing the benefits gained from a 'jackpot like' 100% mount to the battle mounts, you'll agree that, against the best battle mounts, they don't stack up. It's the cool factor of the mount that adds the draw. Now, in parallel, we've got a jackpot pet, which also doesn't quite stack up to the best 'ordinary' pets. However, because this pet can be upgraded to a far better pet, it's cool factor alone seems not enough somehow.

In summary, is this an unprecedented step by OTM in giving a jackpot prize that requires 6 'wins' in order to get maximum benefit from the prize? Absolutely not, the rarest fashion sets have required a bare minimum of 5 wins and have been around almost since the beginning.
Is a single dragon good enough to be considered a jackpot? When looking at 100% mounts objectively, then this would suggest that they are.
clanless in a clan filled world
- and happy to be so

Re: Find the dragon egg drop rate experimentally


Are you saying you had no idea that you would have to get 6 eggs to get a max dragon?

I wonder if this is how players felt that spent on thousands of chests to get black and white hunter, frostguard, lanrik, etc expecting never to be able to get those fashions again only to have aeon fashion come out that's identical.
Not the same thing at all, fashion was never listed as a jackpot item. And yes, I and many others had no idea because OTM withheld that information. People that bought chests for fashion actually received fashion. People that purchased fire breath chests for a jackpot dragon did not receive one. They received something completely different than what was advertised. People that purchased fashion only had to do so once and where not deceived into having to do it 6 times.
So not true.
I have no interest in fashion, so don't know my hunter from my lanrick. To compensate I'll make a name up. Let's suppose a past event had, as its rarest fashion a glimmering ochre fettuccini fashion set. Now to the serious collector only this set will do. They are not interested in none glimmering and they are not interested in less rare colours, they have to get the glimmering ochre set.
I'm led to believe that in previous event chests, drop rates of individual fashion items with an effect, in the rarest colour had similar drop rates to jackpot prizes, hence the fact that servers only have 1 or maybe 2 of these sets around. Now, whether these rarest forms of fashion were consider jackpot items is irrelevant, only that they had rates similar to known jackpot items is relevant and so to gain any single rare fashion item would be the same as winning a jackpot prize and so could be considered to be winning the jackpot.
As a fashion collector a player would need to therefore win the jackpot 5 times at the very least in order to gain the full set of the fabled red ochre fettuccini set. However this would be considered very lucky. It could be quite conceivable that a player would hit the jackpot 15 times and still not have managed to obtain all 5 individual pieces. Also if a collector has only hit the jackpot once, they truly have something of very little use. A single pair off glimmering ochre gloves are no good to anyone, especially if all you currently are wearing is sparkling mauve gorgonzola fashion.
At least with dragons you know if you hit the jackpot once you still have a fully functioning dragon, albeit one whose stats are hardly exciting. Also, you know if you manage the jackpot 6 times, you know that gets you the best dragon.

Now, to change tack a little bit and consider mounts. Again 100% mounts may have never been explicitly stated as being a jackpot prize, but again my understanding is that drop rates of 100% mounts is similar to jackpot prizes. So, same as above, winning one of these mounts could be considered like winning the jackpot, irrespective of whether it was explicit called a jackpot. Comparing the benefits gained from a 'jackpot like' 100% mount to the battle mounts, you'll agree that, against the best battle mounts, they don't stack up. It's the cool factor of the mount that adds the draw. Now, in parallel, we've got a jackpot pet, which also doesn't quite stack up to the best 'ordinary' pets. However, because this pet can be upgraded to a far better pet, it's cool factor alone seems not enough somehow.

In summary, is this an unprecedented step by OTM in giving a jackpot prize that requires 6 'wins' in order to get maximum benefit from the prize? Absolutely not, the rarest fashion sets have required a bare minimum of 5 wins and have been around almost since the beginning.
Is a single dragon good enough to be considered a jackpot? When looking at 100% mounts objectively, then this would suggest that they are.
Still not the same ball park. Since 2012 people where very familiar with the game mechanics regarding fashion, there weren’t any surprises. People knew how it worked and what to expect. If someone collected fashion they could wear it, save it until it grew in value and then whenever they wanted they could sell or trade it. Once you have a dragon your stuck with it. Yeah you could save your eggs and trade those, but this is all after the fact. It would have been a different story if OTM had disclosed that “jackpot” pets where jackpot in name only, or had released any pertinent information at all. Also no 100% mount requires multiple parts. Plus the fashion your refering to is very old, its pre-token fashion and doesnt even apply to the argument. If we had this debate 5 years ago then yeah it would be a valid point. Dragons however are occuring today.
Black Company of Taranis

Mercenaries don't care about sides or politics, they care about getting paid.

Re: Find the dragon egg drop rate experimentally


Not the same thing at all, fashion was never listed as a jackpot item. And yes, I and many others had no idea because OTM withheld that information. People that bought chests for fashion actually received fashion. People that purchased fire breath chests for a jackpot dragon did not receive one. They received something completely different than what was advertised. People that purchased fashion only had to do so once and where not deceived into having to do it 6 times.
So not true.
I have no interest in fashion, so don't know my hunter from my lanrick. To compensate I'll make a name up. Let's suppose a past event had, as its rarest fashion a glimmering ochre fettuccini fashion set. Now to the serious collector only this set will do. They are not interested in none glimmering and they are not interested in less rare colours, they have to get the glimmering ochre set.
I'm led to believe that in previous event chests, drop rates of individual fashion items with an effect, in the rarest colour had similar drop rates to jackpot prizes, hence the fact that servers only have 1 or maybe 2 of these sets around. Now, whether these rarest forms of fashion were consider jackpot items is irrelevant, only that they had rates similar to known jackpot items is relevant and so to gain any single rare fashion item would be the same as winning a jackpot prize and so could be considered to be winning the jackpot.
As a fashion collector a player would need to therefore win the jackpot 5 times at the very least in order to gain the full set of the fabled red ochre fettuccini set. However this would be considered very lucky. It could be quite conceivable that a player would hit the jackpot 15 times and still not have managed to obtain all 5 individual pieces. Also if a collector has only hit the jackpot once, they truly have something of very little use. A single pair off glimmering ochre gloves are no good to anyone, especially if all you currently are wearing is sparkling mauve gorgonzola fashion.
At least with dragons you know if you hit the jackpot once you still have a fully functioning dragon, albeit one whose stats are hardly exciting. Also, you know if you manage the jackpot 6 times, you know that gets you the best dragon.

Now, to change tack a little bit and consider mounts. Again 100% mounts may have never been explicitly stated as being a jackpot prize, but again my understanding is that drop rates of 100% mounts is similar to jackpot prizes. So, same as above, winning one of these mounts could be considered like winning the jackpot, irrespective of whether it was explicit called a jackpot. Comparing the benefits gained from a 'jackpot like' 100% mount to the battle mounts, you'll agree that, against the best battle mounts, they don't stack up. It's the cool factor of the mount that adds the draw. Now, in parallel, we've got a jackpot pet, which also doesn't quite stack up to the best 'ordinary' pets. However, because this pet can be upgraded to a far better pet, it's cool factor alone seems not enough somehow.

In summary, is this an unprecedented step by OTM in giving a jackpot prize that requires 6 'wins' in order to get maximum benefit from the prize? Absolutely not, the rarest fashion sets have required a bare minimum of 5 wins and have been around almost since the beginning.
Is a single dragon good enough to be considered a jackpot? When looking at 100% mounts objectively, then this would suggest that they are.
Still not the same ball park. If someone collected fashion they could wear it, save it until it grew in value and then whenever they wanted they could sell or trade it. Once you have a dragon your stuck with it. Yeah you could save your eggs and trade those, but this is all after the fact. Also no 100% mount requires multiple parts. Plus the fashion your refering to is very old, its pre-token fashion and doesnt even apply to the argument. If we had this debate 5 years ago then yeah it would be a valid point. Dragons however are occuring today.
A level 1 dragon doesn't require multiple parts, either. You can use it as a fully functional pet. For the point I was making, it's irrelevant that the dragon can be further upgraded. The point I was making is a level 1 dragon doesn't stack up to the top level 'ordinary' pets. But, considering 100% mounts are a similar drop rate, 100% mounts equally don't stack up to top level battle mounts. If all dragons, except level 6, where unusable, in every sense, then your argument is correct. However every level dragon is fully functional and fully useable and does not require any further eggs to work.
The fact you deem every dragon below level 6 to be below your wants and needs is not the point, you are able to use a level 1 dragon if you can bring yourself to do so.
As for fashion, the argument was that OTM have never had a major 'prize' that required multiple jackpot wins. My point quite evidently shows that they've always done this. However, if you want to make it 'relevant' to today, in the chests you've bought did you get a complete set of white particle fashion tokens?

Edit: The implication of something you mention has sunk in and I'll concede is something I hadn't considered.
Ok a level 1 dragon cannot be sold, whereas a 100% mount can, giving the mount a far bit more desirability. In this respect, maybe there is a case to suggest that the level 1 dragon needs to be a bit better. But considering things like 100% mounts, to suggest the max dragon is on a par and so be as easy to obtain is a long way from then mark.
So maybe the first dragon should be equal to the current top level pets and either the number of dragons reduced, or, if OTM insist on keeping 6 levels, the stats levels between then compressed.
clanless in a clan filled world
- and happy to be so

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