Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: Scamming

Me and these 2 clannies always shared and traded mounts and they exploited our trust for each other.

Re: Scamming

THats great and all but I think the people of herne would like to know what the “appropriate actions” are. Are they perma banned? Are we getting our stuff back? If the answer to both of these questions is no you lost 3 big plat buyers. Sorry otm. I love your game and the community around it but if all they got was a week ban while I paid real life money to get plat to save up for some very cool mounts. Then I’m done. Also here’s an example of what they did. My toon name is Lorhad Owens. It pisses me off that my good and respected name was dragged through the dirt.
While we cannot provide details as to the actions taken I can reassure you this is not some minor slap on the wrists, both players are known by us and have had previous dealings with myself and support.

As stated, all trades are final, hence why we have multiple confirmation screens and measures to verify the player you are trading to is correct (Such as the name and level indicator.)

While scamming is actionable, players do have a personal responsibility to ensure the person they are trading to is correct.

Re: Scamming

Thanks for the update. Since we will not be getting our items back, we will no longer be playing Celtic hero’s. It’s been fun but while this stuff is tolerated and our trust was exploited, ill no longer be wasting my time with this game.

Re: Scamming

THats great and all but I think the people of herne would like to know what the “appropriate actions” are. Are they perma banned? Are we getting our stuff back? If the answer to both of these questions is no you lost 3 big plat buyers. Sorry otm. I love your game and the community around it but if all they got was a week ban while I paid real life money to get plat to save up for some very cool mounts. Then I’m done. Also here’s an example of what they did. My toon name is Lorhad Owens. It pisses me off that my good and respected name was dragged through the dirt.
While we cannot provide details as to the actions taken I can reassure you this is not some minor slap on the wrists, both players are known by us and have had previous dealings with myself and support.

As stated, all trades are final, hence why we have multiple confirmation screens and measures to verify the player you are trading to is correct (Such as the name and level indicator.)

While scamming is actionable, players do have a personal responsibility to ensure the person they are trading to is correct.
Here’s how your punishment is being received
303E1556-3CC1-41E9-923D-4CABDE6CA03F.jpeg (119.79 KiB) Viewed 2200 times

Re: Scamming

IF players are known to be scammers by otm why are they continually allowed to play? That makes no sense.

Re: Scamming

IF players are known to be scammers by otm why are they continually allowed to play? That makes no sense.
Their bravado won't have much of an affect on the action taken against them.

While I stated they were known by the team I did not state the reasons why.

As the situation has been dealt with I am now locking the thread, if you have any further points I can be contacted via PM.

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