Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: How to?

The best way I find is to upload images external and than find the image link that you can place between the img code

Code: Select all

I use www.imgur.com to upload pictures.

Also have you checked this forum post?
http://celtic-heroes.com/forum/viewtopi ... =4&t=81034
It explains how to upload images :) And the restrictions that you migh tbe facing.
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Re: How to?

When the file is too big, the easiest fix is to just use a compressor. I either crop out useless parts of it, ie if I am screenshotting chat I have no reason to include my skills.
I use the app aviary.
This app also has a way to edit "sharpness". If you take the slide to the left, it decreases the file size.

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