Celtic Heroes

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Changing Genders. No, my toon changed genders!

Ok. I'm on my ranger, and my game started lagging a bit. Then, my pvp rank (which I do not care about much) drops two ranks, and my toon's gender (which is set on male) switched to female. I managed to fix this by clicking the show/hide headgear button (why did that fix it?). If happened a few more times, but I managed to fix it each time. Still, that is kind of strange.
IMG_1396.jpg (186.21 KiB) Viewed 2931 times
IMG_1398.jpg (192.51 KiB) Viewed 2931 times
Thoids, Rhiannon

Re: Changing Genders. No, my toon changed genders!

Bugs like these really scare me. It seems harmless, but the fact that the client software is pulling data from a different toon, a mix up in items/gender/etc. shows there is a database issue.

We've all seen mail get sent to wrong recipient or gets lost, shows that there is definitely something off.

How would you like it if you perform an online bank deposit and it goes to a different person's account? Or some policeman performs a background check of a person with a criminal background, and your name and personal data comes up.

Database read/write and client/server transactions should be 100% perfect - it is the fulcrum of Information Technology.

There are two types of people in this world: Those who crave closure

A business is more profitable if they don't gouge and piss off customers.

Re: Changing Genders. No, my toon changed genders!

Hey Heroes,

Simple visual bug where the player receives data from another player in the zone, usually one who just leystoned in.

Thankfully all visual and no changes can be made to the players inventory, usually a relog fixes the issue.

QA do have it down for bugging but reproducing it is a very rare occurrence, may have something to do with a bad connection.

Thanks for reporting!

Re: Changing Genders. No, my toon changed genders!

That clan chat glitch was bad lol, remember that one? Where people could see other people's clan chat? Yikes!

I think the worst bug was when a level 130 whispered me and said! "Omg blue I'm you right now, your inventory is mine!" He named obscure items and exact numbers of lix so I knew he wasn't lying. The "visual glitch" went away when he went to the castle from the ow but geeze that felt like such a violation.

Re: Changing Genders. No, my toon changed genders!

This happens to me at least once a day. When I get the pvp ranking message, it is usually only the gender and appearance of my character that changes. But there are other times where my entire skill set is changed giving me the appearance of a different class. This makes everything unclickable and the only option is to restart the game. I find this very disturbing but more disturbing is seeing messages in my chat box saying that I whispered something to someone when I haven't whispered anything. The chat box messages make me think this is much more than just a graphics glitch.

Re: Changing Genders. No, my toon changed genders!

Hey Heroes,

Simple visual bug where the player receives data from another player in the zone, usually one who just leystoned in.

Thankfully all visual and no changes can be made to the players inventory, usually a relog fixes the issue.

QA do have it down for bugging but reproducing it is a very rare occurrence, may have something to do with a bad connection.

Thanks for reporting!
bro my mail with ummm 500mill! got lost xD might send it to me ye? ty ty xoxo
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