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Re: A new side to Lugh

GL vulture and supreme!
Here's a suggestion based on what epona currently does on necro and edl:
While a boss is being killed, players who have alts that are high enough lvl to participate can call that class before the boss dies. This swaps their roll from the class they're using to the class they shouted. If a player has no alts high enough or doesn't call a class, they roll for the class they're using. You might have already tried this, though...
LordOfDiablos: 228 Support Rogue
HealerOfEvil: 180 Support Druid
ButcherOfEvil: 180 Tank Warrior
Proud General of Enigma!
'Lord, you look like a gay detective moose' Limbro, 2015

Re: A new side to Lugh

Removed some posts.

Good thread Vulture and I hope things work out well for clan Supreme.

I must remind player please PM a user if you wish to discuss a topic further without taking the thread off topic.

Thank you.

Re: A new side to Lugh

I got a few questions about this system
1. Since this system relies on participating clans rolling for drop for the clan to redistribute depending on the clans systems, will clanless people only get to roll for their class?
2. In the event that someone runs with items or stuff like that what will happen to that individual in the way of punishment?
3.What level requirements are there to participate at a boss and/or get a chance at an item? will it just be standard rules?

Re: A new side to Lugh

I got a few questions about this system
1. Since this system relies on participating clans rolling for drop for the clan to redistribute depending on the clans systems, will clanless people only get to roll for their class?
2. In the event that someone runs with items or stuff like that what will happen to that individual in the way of punishment?
3.What level requirements are there to participate at a boss and/or get a chance at an item? will it just be standard rules?
1. This is a system made to benefit clans over individuals. The more people your clan has the more chances your clan has to bring drops home. Each individual has the same chance at a drop however as each player gets their one roll.

2. This would breach our eligibility requirements. I believe running with a drop would not only be extremely disrespectful, but also considered scamming under the ToS. If a player decides to act in a manner that goes against our guidelines, they will simply be ineligible to participate at a boss fight for x amount of time. I would imagine this would be determined by players when/if this happens.

3. I was assuming we all remembered the standard rules from before but anyways what we've done was had dps players be a maximum of 5 levels below a boss. There is simply a huge nerf of damage dealt if you're too low a level, and 10 levels(like we've done before) was way too much. At that point your damage on a boss is nil. For druids we would allow 10 levels of lenience however as druids are quite useful even at lower levels we could be able to include some of a lower level if absolutely necessary. This is what we have done just before the dicing system came to an end last year and they are quite reasonable. What happens here is the player is simply ineligible if underlevelled, but can come back when they reach an appropriate level for another fight.
Last edited by Vulture on Thu Aug 25, 2016 4:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.

[list][*]Vulture - Level 220 Rogue
[*]Venus - Level 195 Druid[/list][/color]

Re: A new side to Lugh

I want to touch on something on the dicing eligibility however. It ties in with outting in your best effort. As said this would mean lixing if you need to, and making sure you perform your role without afking. But I've forgotten a problem we had with some players in the past.

Some clarification on that guideline. Many bosses require a specific plan. If the plan isn't executed then the boss won't get killed and nobody wants that. We would expect that players are willing to listen to instructions in order to bring a boss down. This would mean if a player is assigned the role of bashing the boss at a certain time and they willfully choose not to, they are ruining the boss fight for everyone there. I would ask that at each boss fight we have a player who is experienced take charge and explain the plan to everyone there, and assign groups/roles as we used to. I'm able to this at every boss I make but there will be times I will not be there and there are definitely other experienced people out there.

On some bosses a full dl set is an absolute requirement. I know that we haven't killed Necro yet, but that is a boss that absolutely requires full dl to fight. Unfortunately our reason(while true) is not even that you'll be weaker, but rather you'll be constantly taking ridiculous damage and even healing Necro, essentially griefing the fight for everyone. This is different for different people/roles but those experienced should have an idea, and those inexperienced should simply have their full dl on.

I'd also like to point out that coming to a boss fight completely undergeared is also unacceptable. This means players coming to fight with one ring equipped. I would expect that players come to a boss with a full set of jewellery, as well as their armour and weapons if they intend on putting in their best effort.

Coming to a boss fight with inappropriate gear for the fight would mean you would just have to sit that one out and come back when you are ready to do so. If you are found to be purposefully trying to gimp yourself "just cause" there will be many angered players and repurcussions

I will edit my main post to include these areas that I have missed.

Everyone likes to work with a strong team, and we like to take down bosses as smoothly and as quickly as possible. That is why these rules are in effect. I hope to see us continue to co-operate and work on bigger and better things in the future.

[list][*]Vulture - Level 220 Rogue
[*]Venus - Level 195 Druid[/list][/color]

Re: A new side to Lugh

What about o8o and Ellelle,they will be allowed to join boss fights too?
If they choose to participate then yes. The same guidelines will be followed by everyone who chooses to and those who choose not to follow them will simply not participate with those that wish to play in a civil manner as outlined in this post. That includes you, me, and anyone else. I'm simply not interested in arguing with anybody and I believe most people are interested in having fun over an angry conversation.

[list][*]Vulture - Level 220 Rogue
[*]Venus - Level 195 Druid[/list][/color]

Re: A new side to Lugh

classless dicing translates in real life to making poor people more poor than they already are. at least they used to have a chance at winning something if dicing their class now they can't anymore since there will be tons of people in big clans dicing against them. which will push them to join big clans same like what big corporations do. one big giant whale corporation swallows everything and say bye by to small old clans. that's why some of us sometimes like buying from a small shop to feed a small business family than doing it only just from big supermarkets. vulture is behaving like he never watched a single episode of South Park...
my vote on classless dicing is a NO. i would like to assure the continuity of small clans like ancients syndicate hobbnobbers, and if they choose to stay in their small clans they must not be punished like this. i will make sure that no one gets punished and on our side we will continue dicing by class. vulture just recently left alliance he's still one step inside that clan. he does not represent lugh side. not yet. especially when he's coming with alteration for rules that can help keep the continuity of the small clans. the big clans on lugh side refuse to eat the bait of dominance or turn into monsters, briefly said. we are not dominant and we will not behave like one.
i understand vulture's obsession with extreme capitalism but on my side i would like to do it moderate capitalism, in order to assure that clanless and small clans can survive.
leave our selfishness aside, i'm not going to send 20 rogue clannies to dice a warrior drop against ciccio warrior. i love ancients and would hope to make sure she's comfortable there if she decides to stay there. will not intimidate her nonstop with spamming dice so that she moves to my clan. no way. on the other hand we will treat her like she's one of our own, always.
warrior 229
rogue 230
druid 228
ranger 228
mage 200

say no to dominant clans.

Re: A new side to Lugh

What about o8o and Ellelle,they will be allowed to join boss fights too?
They are the 2 best players in lugh lol. We cant do any big bosses if we dont have them to support us.
^^^^ Hey ray...
lol thats DethArcher, still crying about
The YellowCrown. He hasn't played since
that day, yet he wants to know what i'll
be doing.
Maybe if you log on this century sometime DethArcher, you'll see what i'm doing.
Last edited by o8o on Fri Aug 26, 2016 7:36 am, edited 1 time in total.
Warrior 230
Druid 217
Rogue 194
Mage 187

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