Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: Crom players, Introduce yourselves!

Joined late 2015 haven't played too long,almost a year. I started as a newbie and didn't have much intrest due to druids being not wanted in groups and exactly at lvl 134 I went rogue druid. Rogue druid and by that I mean I soloed with a melee weapons all the way to 220 ➕,rarely grouping. I've met tons of great people and competitive ones as well. I like to say without the help of many others I wouldn't have made it this far without their help. Currently I'm in seed and loving every minute. A big shout out to Black guard and Nature child and other players that know me while I've played on Crom.

Server - Crom
Clan - Seed, Rank General
Main - Lodd Galloway 231 Druid(Healer)
Alt - Laelos Galloway 221 Warrior(Tank)

Re: Crom players, Introduce yourselves!

Joined late 2015 haven't played too long,almost a year. I started as a newbie and didn't have much intrest due to druids being not wanted in groups and exactly at lvl 134 I went rogue druid. Rogue druid and by that I mean I soloed with a melee weapons all the way to 220 ➕,rarely grouping. I've met tons of great people and competitive ones as well. I like to say without the help of many others I wouldn't have made it this far without their help. Currently I'm in seed and loving every minute. A big shout out to Black guard and Nature child and other players that know me while I've played on Crom.

I lixed with you noob :)
Ventius - level 227 ranger of dawn
Ventius - level 222 noob ranger of Enigma
Ventius - level 163 druid

RIP badabing

Your newest blue name who has dreams to one day be purple

Re: Crom players, Introduce yourselves!

Well, after 5+ years of playing, I think we all can feel comfy and warm and introduce ourselves, yes :D

Many know me as Maraana / Aino and most of you have stumbled upon a few alts of mine ( Azika, Hukka, Tyri, Miuru, Hizki )
I work in the IT field and have a very busy life with work and a daughter who just started school. Aino is her name and my first
alt I created I named after her in honor of her name.

It has been asked before, no, I only play on crom. Anyone telling you otherwise is most likely trying to scam you
while impersonating me. I tell you this cause it has occurred ( attempts that is ).

I run two clans on crom, they are BlackGuard and NatureChild. If need be, you can always contact me directly.
Fastest way to get hold of me is sending me a mail in game with a short description of the subject. I always try
take time to listen to people.

As I many times said before, we put in time into this game for our own relaxation, this we shall not forget
be nice to each others and make your and others time a nice one :)
crom: Maraana ( chief of BlackGuard ) / Aino ( chief of NatureChild )

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