Celtic Heroes

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The end of the lux charms?

Many reports have came threw saying that the last existing lux charms are being taken out, if this is true they should go up in value. Most say it won't but consider this most people don't have them and if they did they sell to shop or whatever, it is useless to most, but if it is true there being taken out they could go up in value since a) not in game anymore b) it's the last lux charm so if taken out it should increase majorly in price. Obvisly it's all rumors but I want to hear your opinion will they
Increase so on and also could a set of the charms like for example golden shrink and silver shrink together sell for more? Let me know what you think :lol:
Retired from Forums 1\1\15

PM - Invaded in game for further questions.

Re: The end of the lux charms?

My opinion is that when people openly post things like this, any chance that they will become valuable is smothered.
EXACTLY plus the only charma available are grow/shrink which are pretty useless to begin with. Also you're not realizing that it would take YEARS for them to go up at all because of how many are already in the economy and random Noobs will try to buy a crap ton in order to 'make money'
Just because something is discontinued doesn't mean it's going to be worth a lot. Look at the various fashions that have been discontinued and haven't gone up, it's because they're not as popular or as desired as other similar items.

Re: The end of the lux charms?

They won't be worthless, there the last lux charms! They will increase over time, and trust me... If the sucky camo goes up these are going up.
yeah this isnt valid at all. Camo charms are 100x more usefull than a golden growth charm. im not really sure how you determined that because camos are valeable that size change charms will be equally valuable. Thats not the case at all as the endgame usefullness arnt even at the same level

Vivian: lvl 189 Rogue
Owner of a Camo Charm :)

Clan: ResUrgNs

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