Celtic Heroes

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Post your witch loot here!!! We need your help!!

There has been a fair bit of talk about how rare it is to get mounts or even the various pumpkins. So here is a chance for everyone to make a contribution.

Post your pumpkin and mount drops here - edit your post if you want to update it. I will edit this post with the updated figures. You may comment here as well but please only one post with your stuff.

Since they drop an item every time i dont need a count of the # of witches. I know in groups you don't always get the drop but it's too hard to count and we really want to know the % of drops that are good. Just count your bombs to get your total amount - if you use or sell some then please post your best guess. Thanks!

Please try to post even if you didn't get anything good as it helps us figure the odds anyhow. Posting screen shots for large amounts of pumpkins is great fun for all and welcomed.

There are several kinds of witches so for things like mounts if you can remember getting from a level 20 or level 190 that would be great info to have. However its impractical for everyone to record what drops came from what tier of witch and it does average out.

I will be updating this post with all possible drops and then eventually with how many our contributors have found.

Thanks for the help and good luck farming!
Last edited by Plus3 on Tue Oct 14, 2014 4:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Post your witch loot here!!! We need your help!!

I have only killed lvl 20 witches so far, probably averaging 5-10 a day. 90% or so have been minor or lesser pumpkin bombs. I did get a grand ONCE and the one that explodes dmging nearby smilies, can't remember if that's called grand or something else. I basically use the minor or lesser soon as I get them since they don't do a whole lot. No mounts or nething else. I do have a mask, that I can't remember where I got it. Hope all this nonsense helps.

Re: Post your witch loot here!!! We need your help!!

I have roughly 1.3k pumpkins atm no mounts, aint gunna stop untill i get my 90% from witches and 100% from chests tho i seem to have the worst luck every event lol :P will post pics of how many pumpkins/mounts i have in 2days if ppl wanted to know how many i kill hopefully be at 2.5k by then.
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