Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: No lagging out a plan for update 4?

Got quite a scare today , we just finished killing Aggy and were on way to kill Ymir (we only seem to kill Ymir after Aggy now) and game mass kicked everyone from server , would have truly sucked if it was 10 mins earlier lol
That's too lucky haha, 10 minutes earlier, or later, would have sucked. :lol:
RAPIDx - 225 Rogue
Rhiannon GameChanger

Some Guy - 220 Rogue
Epona Prodigy

Re: No lagging out a plan for update 4?

I crash so much in a day, that it gets so annoying. I crash when I'm trading which is the worst thing ever that can ever happen to me and I crash on bosses and the helpers think I left the game, so they leave the group which means I need to find other people to help me. Crashing ruins my gameplay so bad to point of driving me insane.

Re: No lagging out a plan for update 4?

Got quite a scare today , we just finished killing Aggy and were on way to kill Ymir (we only seem to kill Ymir after Aggy now) and game mass kicked everyone from server , would have truly sucked if it was 10 mins earlier lol
You are lucky! Double aggy.
Darteos -- Level 191 Mage -- Crom -- General of Seed
Synergy -- Level 93 Druid -- Arawn -- Clansman of BadaBing

Re: No lagging out a plan for update 4?

World crashed alot today, and yes at inoppurnate times
Makin it very hard to lvl (ie if on pots) killin bosses which again happened making it yet again a pisser
OTM PLZ help us in fiddin out the problem cus its been a royal pain n the butt today
Yea me 88 mage and my friend 110 warrior almost killed falgren a while ago using idols and pots and then the server lagged and we got no refunds on plat or anything was very lame
World: Sulis
Name: DYLANisBEAST / JuliusCeasar / Nyanta
level: 120 / 222 / 210
Class: Mage / Warrior / Rogue
Clan: Retribution

Re: No lagging out a plan for update 4?

Is anyone else having issues with 5th gen devices? I can play on my 4th gen ipod and 5th gen ipod at the same time and my 5th gen will disconnect fairly often and my 4th gen will have no problems at all. I thought maybe it had something to do with running both devices at the same time but even if i have my 4th gen turned off my 5th gen still disconnects way more then my 4th gen ever has. Ive noticed that when the numbers in the bottom right corner (forget what they're called) start to turn red on my 5th gen they very slowly increase to 30000 and will disconnect me everytime no matter what i do, but on my 4th gen they sometimes increase and i can either move the device in my house to get a better connection or even sometimes moving my character in game will cause the numbers to return to normal. The only time the numbers cause me to disconntect on my 4th gen is when they spike to 30000 really fast. Ive seen other posts about the screen not being full for new decvices and was surprised that this was not mentioned, is my new ipod just having problems with my router or could this be that the game hasnt been outfitted for these devices yet?
Bor-Mage lvl 138 Necrophagist-Druid lvl 100
Gungnir-Ranger lvl 114
Odin-Rogue lvl 103

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