Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Hello from Vienna:)

I am new to the game and forums and based on previous experiences i know that making an introduction post is the best way to get to know people:)
Okay so little info about me... As the name of the post states, i live in Vienna, Austria (CET). I recently moved there due to my studies.
I am very communicative person (i talk too much aswell probably) and to me being part of community is a must.
My ign is IrisBlossom and im on Gwydion (i had no idea how to choose server, so im also open to tips and advices bout that), but people usually just end up calling me my real name which is Ana:)
I am looking forward to seeing you and please feel free to message me:)
Oh and happy holidays:)

Re: Hello from Vienna:)

Hello Ana, welcome to Celtic :) Hopefully you like the server you started on. This game has a habit of forming close communities and lets you meet amazing people around the world. If you ever need any help with build, info about how the games works, etc. feel free to pm me here. Also, If you ever decide to try Arawn, I can set you up with some skills and rings.
Liv Arronheln 215
Chieftain of DragonSouls
”One day, you will be old enough to start reading fairytales again.”

Re: Hello from Vienna:)

Hello Ana, welcome to Celtic :) Hopefully you like the server you started on. This game has a habit of forming close communities and lets you meet amazing people around the world. If you ever need any help with build, info about how the games works, etc. feel free to pm me here. Also, If you ever decide to try Arawn, I can set you up with some skills and rings.
Thank u Liv:)
Oh and now im on server Arawn thanks to this lovely girl:)

Re: Hello from Vienna:)

Welcome to the community Ana! :)

If you ever have any questions feel free to give me a shout.

Also totally jealous of you living in Vienna, it is on the list of places to visit.
Thank u:) ill take u up for that offer if i have questions:)

Definitely come to Vienna, u wont regret it, its a really beautiful city:) (well tbh whole Austria is really beautiful) and when u do decide to come i can give u some tips:)

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