Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

This is ULALA!

Whoa im not a big person to get into games like this however i found celtic heroes to be a more relaxing easy to use MMO i ever played! i bought platnum on my second day playing lmao!. i used to play mabinogi but got tired of the drama XD so i tried celtic and now i put hours into it. i dont care about graphics and such the game is fun. i'm so happy i can have pink pony hair lol. the music is wonderful and i like some of the player in it already. Fighting style is so comfortable and not stressful i dont feel like i have to burn my eyes to concentrate killing monstors and thats good! Batery issues? NAH i use a long cord to keep it charged and with my ipod touch grip with a fan the pod stays cool!. can't wait to get back on it already but my sister took my ipod to the zoo to take pics. DARN!!! cant play yet lol. that gave me a excuse to get on the forums and getting you players opinions.

ABOUT ME: Adult Female. I enjoy games of many kinds been a gamer since i was little and can't stop. i don't feel guilty playing games its what i like to do with my life in fact i'm enjoying it as much as any other person enjoying what they like to do! We play games, And we have a life!. When people tell you we dont have a life ask them what they like to do with theres!

Interests!: if you are under 18 you are permitted to be my friend but nothing more. Relationships? NO please i am looking for a good friend in celtic heroes to keep me going! strong in celtic. I am one of thoes girls that need a extra push in the back to keep going if you think u can help go for it my friendlist awaits players :P. Once i get my ipod touch back :twisted: :lol: i enjoy music and being cute as i can be even with my character.

How old am i? : 5 days old now! in celtic haha

What do i support?: i support no drug comunities and help hungry familys at churches and the poor and i help homless people. and provide fundings for disabled. i even did over 500 hours of volunteer comunity service an have multiple awards for it. so what do i do after all that work. GAMES FTW!

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