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Account Recovery

Posted: Sat May 30, 2020 11:23 pm
by TheKing
Hello! I'm a returning player and would love to pm an admin about the recovery of my account. I have completely forgotten my username.

I already sent an e-mail detailing all I know about my old account several days ago (Which the e-mail IS registered) with no response so I figured I write here in hopes to speed up the process. I've been playing this game since 2012 and would love to see how it's transformed over the years.

If I can get any assistance it would be greatly appreciated.


Re: Account Recovery

Posted: Sun May 31, 2020 2:53 pm
by Eragon123
Welcome back! I vaguely remember you from back in the day - a lot has definitely changed on Sulis over the years haha.

Unfortunately, Support tends to be quite backed up these days, so it may still be a few more days before you hear back from them - posting here won't really be able to speed it up.

Good luck!

Re: Account Recovery

Posted: Sun May 31, 2020 7:39 pm
by TheKing
Eragon123! Good to see a familiar face, my friend! How's Sulis?

I'd imagine they're dealing with a lot so it's understandable. But truth be told, I'm itchin' to play again. Hope all is well with you, and hope to see you in-game soon :)

Feel free to pm me anytime, catch me up to speed!