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What is the best ARMOUR for each level range STARTING FROM 0?

Hi. I just looked at the forum below and saw that he had asked for the weapon for each level range, then I thought "What about armour for each level range?" and since i'm starting a new account for a rogue (Which is literally my strongest character), I want to know what the armour range is starting from 0.

SasitoSSJ - Level 25 Warrior (Arawn)

HPSDruidSSJ - Soon To be Told.. (Epona) It is in the name..

Feel free to PM me ;)



Re: What is the best ARMOUR for each level range STARTING FROM 0?

Starting at lvl 0 is kind of hard but... Once u hit lvl30 start DuskShadow armour quest then once u hit lvl60ish u start dark Shadow armour (all the shadow armour quests are full of evasions and I recommend to mages and druids). Then once u hit 65ish u start the boss armour quest with Warden armour which is alot better than dark Shadow then u start meteoric at like 85ish which you need warden armour of the meteroic piece u want (e.g u need warden hands to get meteoric hands). Then at 110 u start Frozen armour which imo is a pain in the ass. U start Dragon Lord at around 150ish but until then try to get the beastbone armour in carrow. Then there's other quest armours until 190ish but none of them are as good as DL. U start EDL at 175ish and it is the best armour in the game other than Doch Gul which is impossible to get unless u have an incredibly good clan as only Prot and Gelebron drop those.
RoBro-Lvl 222 Fire Mage
RoBow- Ranger (In progress)

Proud Player of Concordiia (Donn)

Re: What is the best ARMOUR for each level range STARTING FROM 0?

1-30 use the questline gear
30-50 use duskshadow
50-85 use darkshadow, replacing pieces with warden as you get them
85-110start getting meteoric armor. If you still are having trouble with a warden piece use spiritshadow there
110-135 get frozen armor. As a rogue this may be hard for you, so I suggest the obsidian pants and top as fillers.
140-156 get your ancient beastbone, and at 150 and 155 you can get two dl pieces
157-170 comple your dl armor. Weapons begin at 175 and 180.
170-200 alchemical and occult armor is available now. It's good for when you can't get a certain dl piece or if you want to get a part for its stats and swap it with dl (worry about this later!). Also edl armor is available to you now. Weps a 205 and 210.

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