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Posted: Sat Aug 19, 2017 3:59 pm
by Ventius
Have you ever looked at something that a sibling has done or does and just thought that there is absolutely no way that you are related :lol:

Picked my brother up from a party to find him stumbling out alongside a friend and told he only had 4 drinks .-.

Me - the child who went to parties every week and went through my last year of highschool drunk. Showed up to unimportant exams drunk or hungover. Spending all my money on alcohol too._. (Would have been handy to maybe buy a new phone instead but oh well) Me. Related to an 18 year old who cant handle 4 drinks smh

Anyone else have this feeling between brothers or sisters aswell? Ofc doesnt have to be alcohol consumption haha :D just seems funny now that i think about it at 2am laying in bed :lol:

Re: Siblings

Posted: Sat Aug 19, 2017 5:34 pm
by Loco cola
:lol: its things like this that encourage me to talk to you in game! :lol: :lol: :lol:

By brother is a straight up redneck and I'm more of a formal guy, you know, black car, formal/professional clothes? My bro doesn't even own any of that :lol:

Re: Siblings

Posted: Sat Aug 19, 2017 5:51 pm
by Zyz
Have you ever looked at something that a sibling has done or does and just thought that there is absolutely no way that you are related :lol:

Picked my brother up from a party to find him stumbling out alongside a friend and told he only had 4 drinks .-.

Me - the child who went to parties every week and went through my last year of highschool drunk. Showed up to unimportant exams drunk or hungover. Spending all my money on alcohol too._. (Would have been handy to maybe buy a new phone instead but oh well) Me. Related to an 18 year old who cant handle 4 drinks smh

Anyone else have this feeling between brothers or sisters aswell? Ofc doesnt have to be alcohol consumption haha :D just seems funny now that i think about it at 2am laying in bed :lol:
None of us had alcohol tolerance our first few times drinking. We all stumbled and looked like idiots. What 4 drinks did he have. When I was a teen I lived in the country and it was pretty common for thr teens to drink at the adult parties but we drank a lot of moonshine and ever clear so 4 drinks were pretty stout. There's a bar down the road from me we used to go to in college a lot. They served 60 oz long Island teas for $6 that were poured very heavy... If you made it through a 2nd one, it was lights out for most people.

Re: Siblings

Posted: Sun Aug 20, 2017 1:20 am
by Ventius
4 premixed cans of jack :shock: legal age in australia is 18 but i guess he hasnt been drinking from the age of 15 like i did. Even so, I would have thought he could hold it a lot better than that._.

Re: Siblings

Posted: Sun Aug 20, 2017 2:41 pm
by Criminal
My brother is an ***.

Re: Siblings

Posted: Mon Aug 21, 2017 12:44 am
by Armo
Love my brother, now that I've grown up from being a piece of sh*t, I can appreciate having him around.

Re: Siblings

Posted: Mon Aug 21, 2017 2:59 pm
by Ventius
One of my brothers is great...get along well and can joke around with eachother. The other not so much tho .-. He has autism, is 16, 6'4" over 120kg and is violent due to his condition and can be a real piece of unfathomable when he wants to can be an interesting household to live in at times lol

Re: Siblings

Posted: Mon Aug 21, 2017 11:27 pm
by Chaotic
I started drinking a lot at 17 during my final year of high school also. Didn't go well for my exams. Now I am at Uni there is way too many parties but I kinda lost my eagerness for drinking. Glad the legal limit is 18 in Aus, would hate to be American :p

Re: Siblings

Posted: Tue Aug 22, 2017 12:52 am
by Armo
Never understood the appeal of drinking at a young age (especially underage).

I'm an Aussie, yet only really drink in a casual social setting.

Re: Siblings

Posted: Tue Aug 22, 2017 2:23 am
by Ventius
I guess it depends a lot on the type of friends that you hang out with. Some are drinkers and others are not. I have always been friends with the partying group who party and drink most weekends. I said i started drinking when i was 15. Obviously i wasnt having a slab to myself at that age or anything like that. Started off just a few cans or pints or whatever depending where we are and went from there. Even now there are those parties where i wont deink or just have a couple but then there are those nights where you wake up the next day on the front lawn and dont remember anything that happened that night haha

And i agree :D i love being aussie where the legal age is 18 and not 21!