Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Discussing the difference between CH and other games.

For the past couple of weeks, as I just got a xbox One, I have been playing various new games and fell in love with one particularly: Destiny.
For those that do not know, Destiny is designed by Bungie (Makers of Halo series) and is similar in playstyle to that of halo, yet has aspects of CH. It is a first person shooter MMORPG, with loot, raids, quests, the whole lot. In this post I am going to be comparing some similar aspects that destiny and CH share.
To begin, here is a little bit about destiny that will help many of you who have never played it undestand this post better.
- There are 3 classes: Hunter, Warlock and Titan.
- All 3 classes have defensive skill trees and offensive skill trees, so your playstyle is not limited by your class!
- There are 2 types of level in destiny: Level and Light Levek
- Level is capped at 40 and is increased from XP which you can get from mobs and quests.
- Light Level is the average value of your gear and caps at 320. Your gear is a primary weapon, special weapon, heavy weapon, ghost shell, helmet, gloves, chest, boots, artifact and special item. The weapons have an attack value and the rest have a defense value. The average of these values is your light level.
- Light level is increased by getting better gear through quests, shops (only for lower levels), strikes (mini-raids), raids, PvP and arena (survive rounds of enemies)

Now for the comparisons. I absolutely fell in love with destiny from the moment I started playing it! Heres why, and, here is what CH does in comparison to the destiny aspects.

Leveling is FAST in destiny!
Seriously it is so quick. You can get from level 1 to 40 in a day if you really go at it! You aren't bogged down by an intensive grind fest. It is quick, fun and simple, and can all be done, yes, you can get all the way to 40, just by doing story quests and nothing else! It takes the pressure off of leveling hardcore. If a player is hardcore, he will jump to 40 and spend time trying to do raids to get gear to increase his light level. If a player is casual, they can simply play through the story quests at their own pace and hit 40 when they finish all of them! We all know how rough the ch level grind is.
No money required
I know CH is free to play, but it is not. It is no secret that the only way to level is with elixirs, and even then it is a massive grind. Idols and potions are required. Luxury items are required, and gold farming takes far too long to obtain them. In destiny, you get the best gear and progress the fastest by playing, not paying.
There are so many fun and unique quests
Even after you hit level 40 there are more quests, and they are all unique with dialogue and purpose. There is not a single quest that is "Kill this many mobs" or "pick up this many items" or "run here then here then here." There is purpose to each mission and it gives the player so much to do even after they have hit the max level. CH only has quests until stonevale and even those are repetitive.
Boss fights are all very unique and not "shoot it until its dead"
There is a specific boss fight that I love where the game spawns two nights and they have shields, and the only way their shields can be lowered, and the knights can be damaged, is if they are standing close together. So you and your fireteam have to aggro them to get close to each other and that is the only way you can do damage to them. That is just the beginning. The main raid of the game: King's Fall, is so complex and intriguing. There is strategic boss fights leading up to the main boss, puzzles, jumping challenges and much more. It has so many different componenets that are all unique and is fun the whole way through. CH bosses all feel like "hit this thing till it dies" with a twist (Hrung's Berserk, Gele's Xtals, Mordris' Priest) and a BS AoE attack that you cant avoid.
There is so much to do in the end game
Once you hit level 40, you havent even scratched 40% of the game. The amount of raids and strikes (mini raids) is massive and there are so many quests and missions you can do to attempt to get better gear or a rare weapon. All CH has is a couple raids and bounties.
Everything is constantly new and fresh - gear wise
Just about every single mission you are using a new gun. Not a new weapon at level 85, then 105, then 135 then 175.
Raids only take 6 people!
God I love this so. Any group of friends can do a raid. You don't need a big clan or a scheduled time to kill something. It is just jump on, invite a couple buddies and go! And boy it is fun to just dive into it without having to wait around for 40 people to show up.

I love CH, otherwise I wouldn't be on the forums after quitting the game. But it has a lot of things that need tuning. I love destiny and many others do. It is not tedious and it is not short of content. I feel like CH could become so much better with a few modifications.
Gwydion - Xei - Warrior - 215
Taranis - Iridescence - Rogue - 225

Just want to make the game better.

Re: Discussing the difference between CH and other games.

Pretty much like CH vs Neverwinter.

NW at my days was up to lvl 60 (its 70 now if it hasnt increased again but I quit by then), and u could lvl all the way to 60 in one day even on slowest classes (like cleric), solo and only by doing questline, and even when u get to lvl 60 there are so many maps u cant finish all questlines, so there are alternative maps for u to lvl at, as u wish.
After u reach lvl 60 its like 20% of the game, because theres two types of pvp (one opens at lvl 60), more maps, tons of new quests, lots of new upgrades (boons giving perma stats) and especially the epic raiding (literally, at lvl 60 its called epic raids).

Overall, CH in the 5 years of existence lacks a lot, while games do more in one year. I understand the size of team difference, but in almost 5 years to barely do 10% of what larger teams do in 1 year, thats a bit annoying.
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OP dps warrior on Belenus, hot af melee druid on Nuada. #Elementals #Apex

Re: Discussing the difference between CH and other games.

CH vs OaC2

CH -> need group (or lix) to level
OaC2 -> can get to max level solo in a month

CH -> clearly defined, interesting class roles with tanks, healers, dps, etc
OaC2 -> EVERY class is DPS like #yolo

CH -> target lock group gets loot
OaC2 -> you hit the boss out of group a couple times and then lay dead on the ground? You get loot!

CH -> tons of tradable items
OaC2 -> Almost everything is Bind on Pickup. My face when I have to vendor an epic mage drop as a warrior (._.)
YouTube | Mystery Chest Simulator | Cooking Guide | Legacy Boss Guide

Re: Discussing the difference between CH and other games.

Hit 319 on all 3 classes in destiny... Not a fan anymore once you realize the lack of story and content, and the dev team doesn't listen to you unless you find something game breaking that is actually good. They also cut content from the vanilla game and sold it off as DLC and tripled the price of the game. Not to mention they tried to fire someone after they made an entire soundtrack and didn't give him credit for it. They got huge backfire for that and got sued. Otm should actually take notes not to steer down that road lol
Sasuke579 - Warrior Lv220 - Main
Smirk - Rogue Lv120 - Alternate
Payload - Mage lv175 - Alternate
World: Mabon
Clan: Novalis
Raid Strategist
Nastystonze - Rogue Lv112
World: Danu

Re: Discussing the difference between CH and other games.

the dev team doesn't listen to you unless you find something game breaking that is actually good.
This is one of the reasons I like CH so much. People moan and complain that OTM doesn't listen, but compared to other game companies they actually listen to their players quite a bit. Hats off to the support team as well. I've never had a bad interaction with them, whereas in OaC2 I'm still waiting on a resolution to a ticket I put in 2 months ago regarding a game glitch that cost me rl money.
YouTube | Mystery Chest Simulator | Cooking Guide | Legacy Boss Guide

Re: Discussing the difference between CH and other games.

All I could find to compare Celtic Heroes with Dark Souls. I chose Dark Souls because it's an RPG with some similarites with Celtic Heroes. I also play it currently, so I have a lot of knowledge about it.

Mobs -

In Celtic Heroes, all mobs spawn by a timer. This means that some bosses can spawn when not many members of the endgame clan(s) are awake. Some may be asleep. A fix to this is shortening the window, as Aileron suggested somewhere: 3d with a window of 12h, if my memory is correct.
In Dark Souls, normal enemies stay dead until you rest at a checkpoint. Bosses and minibosses stay dead forever.

Multiplayer -

CH is a multiplayer-based game. It always needs an internet connection to play, so not everyone can play all the time. An offline version of it is a good suggestion, though.
Dark Souls offers offline and online modes. If you have an internet connection and enter a "Multiplayer Form" (<---- You can call it that), you can do PvP and Co-op.

Bosses -

In CH, bosses are very difficult. You can't beat raid bosses without a group of others to help, or maybe even your whole clan. Usually drops aren't that good.

In Dark Souls, all bosses are solo-able. Some can drop "Boss Souls," which can be used to make Boss Weapons, or to gain more Souls (both xp and currency). If one has difficulty defeating the boss, they may use the multiplayer part of the game and ask for help.

Items -

In CH, items that come from bosses tend to be weak, except that rare occurence when a Godly or Imperial item appears. Some vendor items aren't exactly the best. Lux items are very expensive, and aren't going to get you to endgame instantly, either.
In Dark Souls, all items are easily obtainable. Some come from cutting the tail of a boss. Some come from light farming, some come as a rare drop from bosses (like Demon's Great Axe from the Taurus Demon), some come in other ways. You could also purchase some for a cheap price. Most weapons can get you to endgame.

Levelling -

In CH, the player needs to do quests in early game to progress easily. Then comes the difficult part, the grind of 170+ levels.
Dark Souls has a unique levelling system. When you kill any mob, you get the currency/xp, called a "Soul." You can get to a checkpoint to level up by spending these Souls.

Combat -

CH's combat system is basic. You plant your feet and keep autoing the enemy, using skills every now and then.
Dark Souls's combat is advanced, compared to CH. There are Jump Attacks, Strong Attacks, Weak Attacks, Two Handed, Roll Attacks, Backstep Attacks, Parries and Ripostes, and Backstabs. Some weapons have a spell to replace one type of attack. You can also block, roll and backstep. When you block, your Stamina bar goes down, and if it is completely depleted because of constant blocking, you will start taking damage from the enemy's attacks. You can also use spells. There are three categories: Pyromancy (Fire), Sorcery (Magic), and Miracles. Each spell has a certain amount of uses, and that goes back up to full when you rest at a checkpoint.

Upgrading items -

CH is in the Stone Age in this. The only "upgrade" there is is when you go from Meteoric to Frozen, Beastbone to Ancient Beastbone, Onyx to Obsidian, and DL to EDL.
In Dark Souls, there is a wide variety of upgrades. You can upgrade your weapons to deal a certain type of damage (Fire, Magic, etc.), make them just deal more physical damage, ascend them (from a +5 weapon (upgraded 5 times) to an elemental, or using a type of weapon with a Boss Soul to create a unique item). You have to spend Souls and use a type of Titanite (the upgrade material) to upgrade your weapon.

World -

CH's world is vast, but it's an empty world.
Dark Souls has a huge world, larger than CH, and is much more exciting. It is also full of items, enemies, ambushes, etc.
LordyIsBack - Lvl 121+ Warrior
Clan Prophecy (World Danu)
I'm taking a break from CH until the next questline is released. Possibly this next beta.

Re: Discussing the difference between CH and other games.

Yea this is great and all, but you can't compare a Free-to-Play game to a paid game.

Destiny is, like you said, a big budget title. It's a triple-A game and people expect it to be great. It's created by a developer that has been around for more than a decade and has experience with making good games and how to please its fans. More than that- Destiny is a console game. It's wrong to compare a Console (or PC) game to ANY game on mobile seeing as a mobile game can not match up or even come close to the quality of most Triple-A titles on console. Yet.

Nice comparison though, but you really can't compare the two. Kinda like comparing the tomatoes and potatoes :lol:

Destiny you pay $60 dollars once and play. Then you can buy DLC if you want. The console and PC markets don't have the whole micro-transaction thing (most of the time) because that isn't what players expect. People don't want to buy a game just to find out they have to pay even more later just to progress. In MMO's (that don't charge a subscription fee) it's common to see them depend on Micro-Transaction. It's how they make their money and keep our game up and running.

So anyway, the comparison doesn't really fit other than the RPG part..
Would you kindly?


Re: Discussing the difference between CH and other games.

so i logged into Belenus on my mage called Mendel and been told to get back to OaC,
after googling it up id say ppl have no clue bout biology and Ch is better then OaC,
I'm looking to change the perception of people and all of the beautiful things that it brings,-Exe2k15
Executive of Epona
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Re: Discussing the difference between CH and other games.

@Arjunlite surely Crim comparing CH to O&C is legitimate. Both mobile MMO.

And the OP isn't saying CH needs to be big budget like Destiny. They are saying the style of play is very different and in his opinion is better in many areas.

Unless you very easily pleased you have to admit this game has serious design issue. Reliance on grinding, thinking extra levels is the same as extra content, missing features (AH etc) and reliance on Elix (from shop and Chests) for income, terrible loot tables for the small amount of bosses etc etc.

I would also add lack of instance dungeons to the list. I think a mix of public and private is the best idea.

This game has something special though. The players talks to themselves in game. The sense of proportion to our Toons. The world seems more human scale to me than O&C even though that game has very cool graphics. O&C is unplayable for me now after playing CH. And as mentioned the flow of Company communication with Players is great compared to many other games. A pretty good Support team.

However I worry that the negatives will all hit me one day and the positives will not be enough to make me log on after nearly 4.5 years playing

OTM's head designer needs a holiday to recharge and to steal....develop new ideas and they need a proper Story specialist. And stop hiring relatives as loot designers. They have coasted along for 5 years on community good will. Time to step up to the challenge of becoming a REAL game and drop the amateur vibe. The new engine (and the new Stonevale also) was a good step so keep going.
Landoril 221 Ranger
Denoril 170 Rogue
Hateril. Hat holder
Pageril...well you get the idea

Epona (The little server that could)

Re: Discussing the difference between CH and other games.

@Arjunlite surely Crim comparing CH to O&C is legitimate. Both mobile MMO.

And the OP isn't saying CH needs to be big budget like Destiny. They are saying the style of play is very different and in his opinion is better in many areas.

Unless you very easily pleased you have to admit this game has serious design issue. Reliance on grinding, thinking extra levels is the same as extra content, missing features (AH etc) and reliance on Elix (from shop and Chests) for income, terrible loot tables for the small amount of bosses etc etc.

I would also add lack of instance dungeons to the list. I think a mix of public and private is the best idea.

This game has something special though. The players talks to themselves in game. The sense of proportion to our Toons. The world seems more human scale to me than O&C even though that game has very cool graphics. O&C is unplayable for me now after playing CH. And as mentioned the flow of Company communication with Players is great compared to many other games. A pretty good Support team.

However I worry that the negatives will all hit me one day and the positives will not be enough to make me log on after nearly 4.5 years playing

OTM's head designer needs a holiday to recharge and to steal....develop new ideas and they need a proper Story specialist. And stop hiring relatives as loot designers. They have coasted along for 5 years on community good will. Time to step up to the challenge of becoming a REAL game and drop the amateur vibe. The new engine (and the new Stonevale also) was a good step so keep going.
I was agreeing with everyone in the post except Everything. He's the one saying they aren't comparable.
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