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What is everything? Wait what?

What is everything? Wait what?
Sorry if it's extremely hard to understand. It's a bit late I'm in tired.
Recommend age: 16 and above
Are you real?
How do you know? What is real and what is fake? How do you know your not dreaming or everything is made up by you. "Oh I would know if I'm asleep" but you wouldn't, you don't know when your dreaming. Your mind could simulate everything for you. What if Everything is simulated and you don't know it because it's simulated for you not to know. Kind of confusing wording. Put it this way. You know simulating games Correct? So you know what simulate/simulation is? Ok, therefore what if your consciousness "simulates" everything. You sleeping, other people, cars, everything. Because it if didn't there would be gaps or just open spaces of "nothing(ness)". But what is nothing(ness)? You can never know. Why? Well first off what does nothing mean? Nothing is a pronoun denoting/meaning the absence of anything. But what is considered anything? It's pretty obvious but you need to know this to understand this whole document. Anything is used to refer to a thing, no matter what. But what is a thing? Stay with me. A "thing" is an object that one need not, cannot, or does not wish to give a specific name to. So a "thing" Is anything that is an object? And nothing is the absence of anything and everything. Ok you may be a bit lost. Think of every definition of these words: anything, nothing, thing. So all are relatively a "thing" or absence of a "thing(s)". Back to "nothing", which is the main word we're looking at. If nothing is the absence of everything/anything, then how do you know nothing exists? Because there is always SOMETHING, no matter what it is correct? One would say "oh, nothing(ness) is just darkness, like just blackness" or being blind. But then again, how do you know. As I said there's always something. If it's atoms in the air, or ANYTHING, there is ALWAYS something. So what really is "nothing" if it's never been seen, or experienced. Because there is no such thing as "nothing" because your consciousness fills the gaps to make the gaps become "something". I personally think that whatever you want to believe, your mind will see it as true. Like the placebo effect. Which is A remarkable phenomenon in which a placebo -- a fake treatment, an inactive substance like sugar, distilled water, or saline solution -- can sometimes improve a patient's condition simply because the person has the expectation that it will be helpful. How does this work? Because your mind tells you it will because you believe it and think it's true. "But writer, if I can believe something is true won't that mean it will happen. Like if I believe I have 10,000$ in my hand, won't my mind trick me to having it or seeing it?" Not exactly, there is a difference from being told it's true beforehand than after, in other words you can't exaggerate over your mind. Because you know that's it's not true beforehand so therefore you trying to trick yourself wouldn't work before you know about it beforehand. Like if a human was raised in the woods by monkeys, or wolves, or some other species of animal, that's the life the human would know. It would believe it's a wolf because that's all it's ever known. It would act like a wolf too. Because seeing that all his life is normal to be on four feet/legs at once. Sorry that I'm getting off topic a bit but it goes so deep in some many different directions that all explain what I'm trying to say. There have been people who have apparently died and came back saying "Oh, I saw God". If their mind thinks they will see God because they truly believe that or maybe even devote your life to that then your mind will show it too you. Maybe after death is whatever you THINK it to be. Not WANT it to be, but THINK it'll be. If you think you will go to hell, who knows. Your mind will fill the gaps and make it for you. Because it's simulating it to keep it from having nothing. Because there's no such thing as nothing so how is it a word if you cant explain it because you can't experience it. Because as I said, your mind won't let you because there's NEVER nothing, there's ALWAYS something due to your mind filling the gaps. "But writer, if I thought that when I died the afterlife is nothing which in my case, believed it was blackness then wouldn't I experience nothing according to my mind and what I believe?" Once again, no because your MIND cannot comprehend NOTHING. It just simply can't. You may think it's nothing, but isnt black something? "Oh writer, black is the absence of light". Ok, what's the absence of black? You don't know and can't know because your MIND can't comprehend it. Also no your mind wouldn't fill the "gap" that I've mentioned several times because there is no gap. UNLESS you think there is a gap there. What? Exactly. The question isn't what is real, the question is what is everything? Because you don't know what is real, but you can fill in gaps to everything because maybe that's what "everything" is. Just a gap which was filled by your mind. The 5 senses don't matter in this because how do you know they're real? "oh writer, how come you can be cut and not know until the feel the pain without seeing it?" Again, how do you know you dont know its there. If you don't know it's not there then there's nothing there. If there's no pain then the pain is absent or not there so the pain can be considered nothing. Speaking only in the relation of the two. So when it happens your mind can't comprehend nothing being there so it fills the gap but only with a general idea and how serious the injury is. How would it do that? It's your mind, it "sees" everything you do because your mind is you. It's possible the mind saw what happened, witnessed the speed of harshness of the pressure depending on how it happened, and appoints the pain to the area it believes where it is, and yes, your mind could get the area wrong. Ever feel a harsh sudden pain on your body and look where it was and there's no sign of injury. Which as you know the mind is so complex, but you don't know how complex. Everything is simulation. But what is everything.
What I'm trying to say is....what is _____________? That blank is suppose to represent nothingness. But no, nothingness isn't blank because you can't picture blank, if you can then you probably picture just whiteness. But white is something. So therefore you don't know what blank is, I'd say nothingness and blankness mean the same thing because both are the absence of everything. Some people have the theory of oh nothing real and your just dreaming, if nothing is real than dreaming doesn't exist, nothing exist. So if nothing exist then what's "exist"? Exactly. Its just something that your mind filled for because it couldn't comprehend nothing. Because everything was nothing but your mind makes it something. But then again how is it possible for "nothing" to even exist. What if "nothing" just doesn't exist cause it can't? We couldn't know because the mind doesn't comprehend it. If nothing didn't exist, then everything wouldn't exist. To explain, dark and light. They are opposites pretty much. Dark can't exist without light. Because it wouldn't be considered dark because light would've never existed. Like ying yang. But how do I know anyways? What am I even saying? I honestly don't know, I don't know anything. I always tell people that you can NEVER EVER be 100% of ANYTHING AT ALL! Because you can't know for a fact. Facts arent real because you don't know what is real. Just what is said to be real by other things/people. Why are they right, and how do you not know your mind is just simulating them to say this? so technically what I'm saying it because you are well....unknown. Because you can never know for sure.
The best word ever: Unknown
Well I could go on and on but I can't. If you have a question then ask me and I'll try to respond in time.
To sum it all up basically you don't know what's what, or anything for that matter. You can only imagine. Imagination is endless and the unknown is unknown. What is this your reading? Electronics, words online. How do you not know that I'm you? I'm just a gap that's been filled, or maybe you are. We can never know.
Last but least, people say "Oh if you think about this and someone else does then that proves its fake." What makes that true though? Maybe it's just part of the gap for your brain to fill that makes you more simulated. It all be nothing but your brain can't have nothing to the better legit-seeming something is then the better everything will be. Probably everything is so confusing and doesn't make sense BUT think of it this way, there are around 7.5 billion •HUMANS• ON EARTH that we all personally Think/believe and have a mind of our own. Each and every human apparently has their own thought process. All performing some action all at once, different or not. How is so much stuff going on at once possible? I won't continue and I'll let you think for yourself BUT don't know for too hard nor long please!
I dont know, and neither do you....sorry
Good luck don't think to hard please.
Need someone to talk to? Hit me up!
Last edited by iJoin on Sun Nov 22, 2015 4:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Re: What is everything? Wait what?

What is everything? Wait what?
Sorry if it's extremely hard to understand. It's a bit late I'm in tired.
Recommend age: 16 and above
Are you real?
How do you know? What is real and what is fake? How do you know your not dreaming or everything is made up by you. "Oh I would know if I'm asleep" but you wouldn't, you don't know when your dreaming. Your mind could simulate everything for you. What if Everything is simulated and you don't know it because it's simulated for you not to know. Kind of confusing wording. Put it this way. You know simulating games Correct? So you know what simulate/simulation is? Ok, therefore what if your consciousness "simulates" everything. You sleeping, other people, cars, everything. Because it if didn't there would be gaps or just open spaces of "nothing(ness)". But what is nothing(ness)? You can never know. Why? Well first off what does nothing mean? Nothing is a pronoun denoting/meaning the absence of anything. But what is considered anything? It's pretty obvious but you need to know this to understand this whole document. Anything is used to refer to a thing, no matter what. But what is a thing? Stay with me. A "thing" is an object that one need not, cannot, or does not wish to give a specific name to. So a "thing" Is anything that is an object? And nothing is the absence of anything and everything. Ok you may be a bit lost. Think of every definition of these words: anything, nothing, thing. So all are relatively a "thing" or absence of a "thing(s)". Back to "nothing", which is the main word we're looking at. If nothing is the absence of everything/anything, then how do you know nothing exists? Because there is always SOMETHING, no matter what it is correct? One would say "oh, nothing(ness) is just darkness, like just blackness" or being blind. But then again, how do you know. As I said there's always something. If it's atoms in the air, or ANYTHING, there is ALWAYS something. So what really is "nothing" if it's never been seen, or experienced. Because there is no such thing as "nothing" because your consciousness fills the gaps to make the gaps become "something". I personally think that whatever you want to believe, your mind will see it as true. Like the placebo effect. Which is A remarkable phenomenon in which a placebo -- a fake treatment, an inactive substance like sugar, distilled water, or saline solution -- can sometimes improve a patient's condition simply because the person has the expectation that it will be helpful. How does this work? Because your mind tells you it will because you believe it and think it's true. "But writer, if I can believe something is true won't that mean it will happen. Like if I believe I have 10,000$ in my hand, won't my mind trick me to having it or seeing it?" Not exactly, there is a difference from being told it's true beforehand than after, in other words you can't exaggerate over your mind. Because you know that's it's not true beforehand so therefore you trying to trick yourself wouldn't work before you know about it beforehand. Like if a human was raised in the woods by monkeys, or wolves, or some other species of animal, that's the life the human would know. It would believe it's a wolf because that's all it's ever known. It would act like a wolf too. Because seeing that all his life is normal to be on four feet/legs at once. Sorry that I'm getting off topic a bit but it goes so deep in some many different directions that all explain what I'm trying to say. There have been people who have apparently died and came back saying "Oh, I saw God". If their mind thinks they will see God because they truly believe that or maybe even devote your life to that then your mind will show it too you. Maybe after death is whatever you THINK it to be. Not WANT it to be, but THINK it'll be. If you think you will go to hell, who knows. Your mind will fill the gaps and make it for you. Because it's simulating it to keep it from having nothing. Because there's no such thing as nothing so how is it a word if you cant explain it because you can't experience it. Because as I said, your mind won't let you because there's NEVER nothing, there's ALWAYS something due to your mind filling the gaps. "But writer, if I thought that when I died the afterlife is nothing which in my case, believed it was blackness then wouldn't I experience nothing according to my mind and what I believe?" Once again, no because your MIND cannot comprehend NOTHING. It just simply can't. You may think it's nothing, but isnt black something? "Oh writer, black is the absence of light". Ok, what's the absence of black? You don't know and can't know because your MIND can't comprehend it. Also no your mind wouldn't fill the "gap" that I've mentioned several times because there is no gap. UNLESS you think there is a gap there. What? Exactly. The question isn't what is real, the question is what is everything? Because you don't know what is real, but you can fill in gaps to everything because maybe that's what "everything" is. Just a gap which was filled by your mind. The 5 senses don't matter in this because how do you know they're real? "oh writer, how come you can be cut and not know until the feel the pain without seeing it?" Again, how do you know you dont know its there. If you don't know it's not there then there's nothing there. If there's no pain then the pain is absent or not there so the pain can be considered nothing. Speaking only in the relation of the two. So when it happens your mind can't comprehend nothing being there so it fills the gap but only with a general idea and how serious the injury is. How would it do that? It's your mind, it "sees" everything you do because your mind is you. It's possible the mind saw what happened, witnessed the speed of harshness of the pressure depending on how it happened, and appoints the pain to the area it believes where it is, and yes, your mind could get the area wrong. Ever feel a harsh sudden pain on your body and look where it was and there's no sign of injury. Which as you know the mind is so complex, but you don't know how complex. Everything is simulation. But what is everything.
What I'm trying to say is....what is _____________? That blank is suppose to represent nothingness. But no, nothingness isn't blank because you can't picture blank, if you can then you probably picture just whiteness. But white is something. So therefore you don't know what blank is, I'd say nothingness and blankness mean the same thing because both are the absence of everything. Some people have the theory of oh nothing real and your just dreaming, if nothing is real than dreaming doesn't exist, nothing exist. So if nothing exist then what's "exist"? Exactly. Its just something that your mind filled for because it couldn't comprehend nothing. Because everything was nothing but your mind makes it something. But then again how is it possible for "nothing" to even exist. What if "nothing" just doesn't exist cause it can't? We couldn't know because the mind doesn't comprehend it. If nothing didn't exist, then everything wouldn't exist. To explain, dark and light. They are opposites pretty much. Dark can't exist without light. Because it wouldn't be considered dark because light would've never existed. Like ying yang. But how do I know anyways? What am I even saying? I honestly don't know, I don't know anything. I always tell people that you can NEVER EVER be 100% of ANYTHING AT ALL! Because you can't know for a fact. Facts arent real because you don't know what is real. Just what is said to be real by other things/people. Why are they right, and how do you not know your mind is just simulating them to say this? so technically what I'm saying it because you are well....unknown. Because you can never know for sure.
The best word ever: Unknown
Well I could go on and on but I can't. If you have a question then ask me and I'll try to respond in time.
To sum it all up basically you don't know what's what, or anything for that matter. You can only imagine. Imagination is endless and the unknown is unknown. What is this your reading? Electronics, words online. How do you not know that I'm you? I'm just a gap that's been filled, or maybe you are. We can never know.
Last but least, people say "Oh if you think about this and someone else does then that proves its fake." What makes that true though? Maybe it's just part of the gap for your brain to fill that makes you more simulated. It all be nothing but your brain can't have nothing to the better legit-seeming something is then the better everything will be. Probably everything is so confusing and doesn't make sense BUT think of it this way, there are around 7.5 billion •HUMANS• ON EARTH that we all personally Think/believe and have a mind of our own. Each and every human apparently has their own thought process. All performing some action all at once, different or not. How is so much stuff going on at once possible? I won't continue and I'll let you think for yourself BUT don't know for too hard nor long please!
I dont know, and neither do you....sorry
Good luck don't think to hard please.
Need someone to talk to? Hit me up!
I know if im dreaming. There always in third person and out of focus. And with not much detail. I can only seenin my dreams not touching or smell
A level a day keeps efnisien away

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