Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Game: Go Find!

It's a treasure hunt around the Internet! How good are your hunting skills?

This is how it works:
  1. I post something I want the next person to find on the Internet. It can be anything from an image or a quote to a book. As long as it exists on the Internet! It doesn't have to be anything specific - you can ask for an image of the sun setting over an elephant for example.

    You can post exactly what you want ("the date of the end of world war 2") or a question ("when is the next total solar eclipse in London?"). Be creative!
  2. The next person has to find what the previous user asked for, post evidence on the thread and then ask for something themselves.
  3. And so on. Make sure we stay appropriate, as ever.

I'll start...

Go find me a song about badgers and fungi.

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Re: Game: Go Find!

Continue! :P

Find me a flat that costs under £450,000 in Marylebone, London
I have a hunch he wants us to shop homes for him :lol:

Find me a pic of voldemort! (Must be new to these forums)
image.jpg (3.89 KiB) Viewed 1920 times
What is the tallest building on earth?
c r o m
MageYouCry Lvl88+
-I kind of have a 152 rogue but I'm lazy lol.-
Shh, I'm sleeping.

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