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Re: Discussing the difference between CH and other games.

How did I get into Land's post? Lol. Prob confused, I compared CH to Neverwinter, NW is a pc game but they have their PC game similar to Forsaken World which is a mobile game (although I was too lazy to start Forsaken, CH is enough time consuming).
#NerfMages #AvoidBalance #WhyPlayARogue #MeatShieldOnly #HealingSlavesOnly

OP dps warrior on Belenus, hot af melee druid on Nuada. #Elementals #Apex

Re: Discussing the difference between CH and other games.

@Arjunlite surely Crim comparing CH to O&C is legitimate. Both mobile MMO.

And the OP isn't saying CH needs to be big budget like Destiny. They are saying the style of play is very different and in his opinion is better in many areas.

Unless you very easily pleased you have to admit this game has serious design issue. Reliance on grinding, thinking extra levels is the same as extra content, missing features (AH etc) and reliance on Elix (from shop and Chests) for income, terrible loot tables for the small amount of bosses etc etc.

I would also add lack of instance dungeons to the list. I think a mix of public and private is the best idea.

This game has something special though. The players talks to themselves in game. The sense of proportion to our Toons. The world seems more human scale to me than O&C even though that game has very cool graphics. O&C is unplayable for me now after playing CH. And as mentioned the flow of Company communication with Players is great compared to many other games. A pretty good Support team.

However I worry that the negatives will all hit me one day and the positives will not be enough to make me log on after nearly 4.5 years playing

OTM's head designer needs a holiday to recharge and to steal....develop new ideas and they need a proper Story specialist. And stop hiring relatives as loot designers. They have coasted along for 5 years on community good will. Time to step up to the challenge of becoming a REAL game and drop the amateur vibe. The new engine (and the new Stonevale also) was a good step so keep going.
It's Bitey who compared CH with O&C. In fact, he compared CH with O&C2.
LordyIsBack - Lvl 121+ Warrior
Clan Prophecy (World Danu)
I'm taking a break from CH until the next questline is released. Possibly this next beta.

Re: Discussing the difference between CH and other games.

@Landoril. Arjun was responding to and quoting Everything, it wasn't directed at the OP

I think it's ironic that people here are comparing CH to games they think have better features and yet don't even play them anymore.

I thought O&C was a great game, but when they made world bosses that can't be killed by one guild and needs the entire server to do so, as well as made the armor/weapon quests buyable or be won via lotto is when I stopped playing it.

There are two types of people in this world: Those who crave closure

A business is more profitable if they don't gouge and piss off customers.

Re: Discussing the difference between CH and other games.

@Landoril. Arjun was responding to and quoting Everything, it wasn't directed at the OP

I think it's ironic that people here are comparing CH to games they think have better features and yet don't even play them anymore.

I thought O&C was a great game, but when they made world bosses that can't be killed by one guild and needs the entire server to do so, as well as made the armor/weapon quests buyable or be won via lotto is when I stopped playing it.
I can compare CH to Trove, which I am playing, but these games are very different. The only reason I dont play many other games over CH is because I feel I owe my clan to not go inactive and keep helping them, even when the game is boring.
#NerfMages #AvoidBalance #WhyPlayARogue #MeatShieldOnly #HealingSlavesOnly

OP dps warrior on Belenus, hot af melee druid on Nuada. #Elementals #Apex

Re: Discussing the difference between CH and other games.

@Arjun, Not sure how what I said here came off as kissing up to OTM.

Apparently I can't have an opinion that is different than yours? So if I decide that I like the game even with its flaws and annoyances i'm brown-nosing. You act like I need to hate OTM. That's silly.

Also the fact that you're butthurt over the fact that
1) My original post was moved
2) Your post complaining about it was locked.

Maybe it's time to grow up? This is a Topic about comparing two games to each other and you jump in and try to make yourself look cool because you're upset. Boohoo, get over it. And start acting like a man and quit trying to bug others.

This isn't in a PM cos that's just gonna start more trouble with you. All these people can see this comment, and they can go and look at where i've commented and see how childish you're acting by hunting down my posts and posting something demeaning.

People have opinions, get used to it.
Would you kindly?


Re: Discussing the difference between CH and other games.

Yeah I would agree with Everything Everything said. Lol see what i did there? 0.0

Anyways, PCs are obviously more potential just look at minecraft pe and minecraft for pc. Huge difference. Also until I saw every's post I was gnna note that the difference between ch and those other games is that you actually gtta buy the game first. Also destiny peeps already have a base coding and design theme down from their halo days so thats obviously why they did this real quick. I wish ch was a sub game if it meant it would be easier.

Re: Discussing the difference between CH and other games.

Most of us dont play CH for the content as it provides close to none, but we play because we have gained friends and joined clans and we dont wanna quit on them. @Aileron, Im sure ur a working man who doesnt have all time of the day to play, when another game starts consuming ur time, do u drop the game or CH? I know ur the chief of Avalon, to decrease ur already limited playtime or quit CH seems unreasonable to me for u to do, so Im sure u could find better games to invest ur time on hadnt u played for ur clannies.
Im a general of my clan but even as a clansman, its not just the drops I have gotten from the clan (some which cannot be returned like divine ring, edl, dl weps) but the fact we're such a small clan every player loss is critical, for me to play another game to it's full extent would be hard, on CH Im already end-game so if I dont have time during the day I at least log for bosses.
#NerfMages #AvoidBalance #WhyPlayARogue #MeatShieldOnly #HealingSlavesOnly

OP dps warrior on Belenus, hot af melee druid on Nuada. #Elementals #Apex

Re: Discussing the difference between CH and other games.

I think a better comparison could be kingsroad which is free. But you can pay to play faster as well.

Has a lot of content.
Is a mobile MMO
You can team for killing (limited to 3)
Has sets of gear.

It's a decent game.

Only aspect I think would be realllly nice to add here is that they have a level cap of 60. But after that you still "level" for skill points. At 60 there's no way to have all the skills or be close to maxed. But you keep playing and you can add and Max each one.

Other nice part is each skill has main level ability and then requires runes to essentially max it. So two ways to increase power.

It's not better than CH. but has some elements that would be good to add
Roguish Warrior, or Warrish Rogue
Rogue 194, Warrior 176, Druid 112, Ranger 111, Mage 100, Bank 71

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