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Re: History debate

I think that the British Empire was more influential. English is one of the most widely spoken languages in the world and many foreign countries such as China add English to their school curriculum. You can still see the impact of the British everywhere. The British drove out the Native Americans which eventually ended up becoming the United States. They also had many colonies in Africa, which is why many African nations such as South Africa have English as their official language. Heading over to the dark side, the British Crown and early company rule caused many native civilizations to collapse. Then, they were enslaved and forced to work the land. This resulted in cycles of poverty and death. They also brought over Old World diseases wherever they went. Last of all, they were the key reason why the majority of Chinese people smoke and the motivation behind China's industrialization after China was defeated in the Opium War.
This is true, but the Roman Empire has influenced the British empire in a few ways as well. For example, the English language is made up of over 40% Latin. Several laws in our modern society have also been based on ancient Roman laws.
Your arguement is invalid.

Re: History debate

Yeah, and the Romans started an ancient form of the Eurozone by using a common currency. But then again, I would have to say that the Greeks were also influential. The Romans developed most of their ideas from the Ancient Greeks.
My journey here at Celtic Heroes has been a long one. Although I am sad to leave, I will forever cherish the memories I made and the lesson I learned. Farewell.

July 17th, 2018
11:08 PM (UTC +8): Alator, Mage, 115
11:11 PM (UTC +8): Cantorix, Druid, 83

Re: History debate

British. Do you know how many food shortages there would be if England did not begin the Industrial Revolution? Without new farming technology, agricultural solutions, and crop rotational systems; food will be produced slowly in SMALL quantities.
Tambo7 215 rogue
EDL armour

Those who never fail are those who never try -Ilka Chase
Baseball is my Life. The rest are just details
The difference between the possible and impossible lies in a person determination-Tommy Lasorda

Re: History debate

I would definately have to say the Brittish empire. I mean, the Romans were big and all, but the Brittish pretty much ruled the world at one point, having colonies almost everywhere.
A new study has found that at various times the British have invaded almost 90 per cent of the countries around the globe. The analysis of the histories of the almost 200 countries in the world found only 22 which have never experienced an invasion by the British.
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Re: History debate

E3: Rogue (223)
Annihilate: Rogue (200)

Shadow9: Warrior (222)
36O: Ranger (220)
On Ice: Ice Mage (220)
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Re: History debate

British. Do you know how many food shortages there would be if England did not begin the Industrial Revolution? Without new farming technology, agricultural solutions, and crop rotational systems; food will be produced slowly in SMALL quantities.
This is true, most of the world would probably still be subsistence farming if it wasn't for the industrial revolution.
Your arguement is invalid.

Re: History debate

Roman, simply because they were the predecessor to the british empire and the first western superpower empire
pigman, with the fury of the pigs and the mind of a man
level 210+ rogue
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