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What has happened?

This is a pst inspired by the post about religion, and has been posted in reply to that post.

(Please do not hate on me. I use "I" a lot in this writing, please do not confuse this with being self conceited, try to relate to this post. Feedback is appreciated.)

I was raised in an "Old Time Pentecostal" family. I was raised to believe in Christ, and tongues, and impression of the Holy Spirit, and all the things rejected by the world today. These are said to be proof of the Spirit in us.

But growing up in this world, I'm gonna be honest, I am just a scared and confused child. What is happening to us? When did the matters of life start to change my personal beliefs? Was it when I lost my right to fight for my beliefs?
When did Math and Sciences suddenly become a looming cloud in our daily lives? Who needs to know about minuscule actions and things that you cannot even see? Who needs Pythagorean Theorem, when I can whip out a tape measure? And yet these are the matters that consume most of our lives as young people.
When did it become important to learn these things? When did it become who I can be through this or who I need to be rather than who I am? If anyone can explain to me who is ruling my life please tell, because I feel like I am dying inside and there is nothing I can do to fix it. Because if I acted out Id be screwed over. That is what holds me back. I can't do anything because of a risk, because I actually think and care for myself. Is that the world would keep revolving, leaving little old me behind? Is it selfishness or laziness or being scared. I do not even know...
~ TehGuyGaming ~

Main Lvl 125 Warrior TehGuy
~ Belenus ~ Clansman of Sylph ~

Re: What has happened?

Its just human nature, you are trying to go against your will and become free from this sorrowful life.

By reading that religion post you've rebelled against everything that is orthodox, just have a clear state of mind now and focus on what you want to become
Wattzon of Sulis

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