Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: Solid's completely off-topic nonsense thread

Why hate? We like a show you dont like, im sure there are shows you like that i dont, and yet i dont start insulting your likes and dislikes, have you even watched it?
If they have tried it, I'm fine with people who think its silly, im fine with people who think its stupid, but most of the hater just think, ohh its a show about ponies, it must be gay. I dont know if youve tried it, and if you have you can ignore that, but dont hate till you try it.

We like a show, we are proud of it. If us having different likes to you annoys you, then get lost.

Re: Solid's completely off-topic nonsense thread

Bad time granted fellow brony hater *Goes into ripper mode, defeats you in a duel*

Why hate? We like a show you dont like, im sure there are shows you like that i dont, and yet i dont start insulting your likes and dislikes, have you even watched it?
If they have tried it, I'm fine with people who think its silly, im fine with people who think its stupid, but most of the hater just think, ohh its a show about ponies, it must be gay. I dont know if youve tried it, and if you have you can ignore that, but dont hate till you try it.

We like a show, we are proud of it. If us having different likes to you annoys you, then get lost.
Haters are everywhere, and people do stupid things.
As for the stupid childish gay show of pony part, I'm working on a new thread in offtopic section that would actually disprove this with REALIFE examples of why some ppl are actually more stupid and childish than ponies :shock: (Is there such beings?! sarcasm included).

Re: Solid's completely off-topic nonsense thread

Feeling hungry atm, so today's theme would be lunch boxes.

The Metal Gear 25th year anniversary lunch box

What the lunch box looks like after being scanned into the FOX engine (the game engine for the new Metal Gear Solid V)

Hideo Kojima takes a bite out of the lunch box, ruining my face at the same time, WWWHHHHYYYYY eat Snake first!!! :shock: :(

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