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Re: New mage

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2019 6:29 pm
by SamySamSamBoss2000
Great, that makes a lot more sense. I thought quivers didn't work for some reason but I didn't realize it was that you can't equip one without a bow.
I should be able to get that ring so that'll be nice.

*Well I didn't get the ring, I missed the auction.
I thought it worked like this 48h ≥ Long > 24h ≥ medium > 12h ≥ short > 6h ≥ very short > 0 = auction over. So around 10:40 this morning I checked the auction and it said there was a short time left. So I was like great, in six hours it'll be 4:40 which is the earliest it could be over and I'll be at home and able to bid then instead of now which risks raising the price more. Now I checked around 4:20 and the auction was done/gone so I'm kind of annoyed. The ring was a little over 8k so I was hoping to get it for around 8.5k which I figure was a pretty good deal for +5 attune. There was also no buy out so I don't see how it could have ended early. Are my numbers wrong (or did I just math fail), also there is a +3 ice attune ring up right now going for 3.5-4k, is that still worth it?

Re: New mage

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2019 6:55 am
by SamySamSamBoss2000
All right I have another question about this specific item.

Should I bid or buy it? It seems good to me but I figured I'd ask you guys. My necklace is torc of protection (27 armour that's it) so it's not replacing anything good. What do you guys say?

Re: New mage

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2019 7:16 am
by bob the mage
All right I have another question about this specific item.

Should I bid or buy it? It seems good to me but I figured I'd ask you guys. My necklace is torc of protection (27 armour that's it) so it's not replacing anything good. What do you guys say?
That ammy is a decent low level ammy, and it is definitely better than what you are currently using. I don’t know anything about that server’s prices though, but I would say if you can afford it, bid on it.

Re: New mage

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2019 7:34 am
by SamySamSamBoss2000
Great! What about a the greater attunement ring is that good or a little underpowered?

Re: New mage

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2019 9:33 am
by Eragon123
Great! What about a the greater attunement ring is that good or a little underpowered?
Greater rings are fine, especially if it’s an upgrade to one of your other rings. If the ring is still around 4k, that seems like a pretty good price for a greater ring.

Re: New mage

Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2019 9:12 pm
by SamySamSamBoss2000
Another question for you guys. I just saw Firestorm up at the auction and I think it was starting at 200k but they must have cancelled it and reposted starting at 150k with the buyout at 200k because that's what it's at now. I don't really know how most prices are but that still seems ridiculous to me. I know you guys likely won't know the Epona prices, but is that at all reasonable? People are selling SS for 55k and I thought they were comparable in price usually. No one has bid on it yet, but I don't know how much that says about it.

Any thoughts are welcome. (I also asked about FS specifically in the Epona section but no one has replied, so I posted it here.)

Re: New mage

Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2019 10:42 pm
by Eragon123
150k is pretty crazy high imo. Though shadowstrike used to hover at that price for a while....

If you are in a larger clan with higher leveled players, try to get a group together to kill the otherworld quest bosses. They tend to drop firestorm occasionally. Other then only recommendation is to wait for someone who is willing to go lower.

Re: New mage

Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2019 11:12 pm
by bob the mage
Another question for you guys. I just saw Firestorm up at the auction and I think it was starting at 200k but they must have cancelled it and reposted starting at 150k with the buyout at 200k because that's what it's at now. I don't really know how most prices are but that still seems ridiculous to me. I know you guys likely won't know the Epona prices, but is that at all reasonable? People are selling SS for 55k and I thought they were comparable in price usually. No one has bid on it yet, but I don't know how much that says about it.

Any thoughts are welcome. (I also asked about FS specifically in the Epona section but no one has replied, so I posted it here.)
That’s too high, especially for Epona... i’d Wait for it to hit 30-60k.
Free is always better though, and like Eragon said, I would suggest seeing if you can farm it from the fairyland bosses (all of them are 5*) in the ow or see if a friendly high level player has a spare tome they may be willing to part with for cheaper than average/free.

Wish I could help you more than that but I don’t have a toon on Epona :/

Re: New mage

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2019 1:47 am
by SamySamSamBoss2000
Ok, good to know, I thought the price must be abnormal.

Funny thing about playing CH, some people are very helpful and others not. Recently I was killing stuff in the blood grove when I saw a large spider and a few end game players start attacking it. I shot some spells at it and asked to groupe and got rejected. I thought ok, they saw the spider first, they're doing the work, they want the drop. I then saw that fellfire was up (on the map) and asked for help to kill him, to which I got no answer. The players had just started running away so I'm not sure that they heard but as I ran towards fellfire, I saw that the rogue had stopped only a few seconds away. I whispered to him "pls" but when he responded "what?" I repeated what I said earlier and thought he heard. A few seconds later I noticed the x on my map disappear, so then told him that someone had just killed him, to which he responded it was him. When I checked the area, he was gone.

I know it could have been an unfortunate coincidence where the rogue didn't hear the first time and was already too far killing by the time I explained to him I needed fellfire, but it seemed awfully suspicious to me.

Now even more recently I was killing eyes in OW when I saw purple eye, and another faery land boss up and shouted for the eye. A warrior near me at the ley (a few levels above me) and another end gamer started running out and I followed. On the way there the other boss dropped, and people started clearing out around the eye. I asked to group the warrior and got rejected again. Then they killed it. I know I'm probably not the only one to have seen the eye, but I did call it for those who didn't (which seems to include that warrior) and I showed up.

Funny enough, a ranger maybe 20 levels above me was killing eyes nearby, and we were close to three stars I needed for pirannus's quest so I asked to group. We then killed some and then I asked to kill a specific one I needed, which we then did, but got nothing. The ranger asked which ones I was missing and gave me one they had. No more three stars were up so I said thx and we parted ways, the ranger saying they would keep an eye out. A long while later I got a whisper that they had got a drop and asked if I still needed it, and then gave it to me.

I would say the majority are more helpful than not, but not by that much. It might help if I was in a different clan, as I'm just in a small low level one I got invited to. But I'm not really sure what bigger clans there are (except for evil clowns, but I don't believe clowns should be evil so I don't really want to join them...) but I'll probably find one soon.

Re: New mage

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2019 6:10 am
by bob the mage
Ok, good to know, I thought the price must be abnormal.

Funny thing about playing CH, some people are very helpful and others not. Recently I was killing stuff in the blood grove when I saw a large spider and a few end game players start attacking it. I shot some spells at it and asked to groupe and got rejected. I thought ok, they saw the spider first, they're doing the work, they want the drop. I then saw that fellfire was up (on the map) and asked for help to kill him, to which I got no answer. The players had just started running away so I'm not sure that they heard but as I ran towards fellfire, I saw that the rogue had stopped only a few seconds away. I whispered to him "pls" but when he responded "what?" I repeated what I said earlier and thought he heard. A few seconds later I noticed the x on my map disappear, so then told him that someone had just killed him, to which he responded it was him. When I checked the area, he was gone.

I know it could have been an unfortunate coincidence where the rogue didn't hear the first time and was already too far killing by the time I explained to him I needed fellfire, but it seemed awfully suspicious to me.

Now even more recently I was killing eyes in OW when I saw purple eye, and another faery land boss up and shouted for the eye. A warrior near me at the ley (a few levels above me) and another end gamer started running out and I followed. On the way there the other boss dropped, and people started clearing out around the eye. I asked to group the warrior and got rejected again. Then they killed it. I know I'm probably not the only one to have seen the eye, but I did call it for those who didn't (which seems to include that warrior) and I showed up.

Funny enough, a ranger maybe 20 levels above me was killing eyes nearby, and we were close to three stars I needed for pirannus's quest so I asked to group. We then killed some and then I asked to kill a specific one I needed, which we then did, but got nothing. The ranger asked which ones I was missing and gave me one they had. No more three stars were up so I said thx and we parted ways, the ranger saying they would keep an eye out. A long while later I got a whisper that they had got a drop and asked if I still needed it, and then gave it to me.

I would say the majority are more helpful than not, but not by that much. It might help if I was in a different clan, as I'm just in a small low level one I got invited to. But I'm not really sure what bigger clans there are (except for evil clowns, but I don't believe clowns should be evil so I don't really want to join them...) but I'll probably find one soon.
Sigh... that’s unfortunate that those players were so selfish. It’s one thing when a lower level calls for a boss they can do no help at and is a clan kill boss (for example an EG boss or a 210 legacy), but from my perspective it’s entirely different when it’s within their level range of quest bosses and they call for it.
From my experience a lot of EG players usually are super helpful.
The issue I suppose on Epona is whereby you can gauge who to ask by clan on other worlds, on Epona clans don’t matter so no real way to filter out whose a bad egg and whose a good player other than experience or word of mouth, two things not accessible to new players.
While there are some players who will drop what they are doing to help new players, there are just as many looking to take advantage, but such is life I suppose :/
I know that Ventius and Toothpick (two forum guides) both play on Epona, and from my experience with the two of them they are great players and helpful overall, it might be helpful to send them a pm on the forums for how best to approach these dynamics on the server. Another idea would be to post about your issues in the Epona sub forum and see if anyone has any ideas moving forward. You could ask about how best to move to acquire fire storm as well as work with the server on lower level bosses. As much as I wish I could help with that I’ve never even made a level 1 toon on Epona and I wouldn’t know where to begin :(
I hope this helps a bit, I wish I could be more helpful with the Epona issues but I have no real knowledge of the server past what i’ve read about it, most of that coming from Ventius :lol:

My experiences with the community have been mostly positive and overall the community is what has kept me playing over the past 6 years and what will keep me around for the time to come, and I really hope you have the same good experiences I and countless others have had!

I know this post hasn’t been extremely helpful, but hopefully this can help point you in the right direction to get some of your more server related questions answered :)
As always, if you have any further questions don’t hesitate to ask!
— Bob