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Re: Are there any benefits to being a Mage anymore? (-.-)

Honestly, why do people always wanna out dps others??? Mages are built for being indirect, cloaking the tank, Throwing up lures, sacrificing or energy boosting someone. It doesn't always have to be who gets the kill. I'm a level 115, and my clan takes me to wyverns because I can cast maxed lures to help them kill much faster, and thus getting me a lot more exp. normal other class 115 players dnt get 15.5k xp per elix, as fast as they would normally kill one monster.
I like where I'm at, and sure soloing sucks.... But do what mages are supposed to do, indirect DPS, group with someone.

Wish enough people were on my level to group with.. But direct dps does make a difference in preventing ppl for ksing you. Mages have always been amoung the top dps, I don't know why that should change.
Nerfed Mage ~140
Why play a class where skills cost more than other classes for same damage?
Why play a class with no auto attack?
Why play a class with 1/3 the armor?
Why play a caster?

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Re: Are there any benefits to being a Mage anymore? (-.-)

Honestly, why do people always wanna out dps others??? Mages are built for being indirect, cloaking the tank, Throwing up lures, sacrificing or energy boosting someone. It doesn't always have to be who gets the kill. I'm a level 115, and my clan takes me to wyverns because I can cast maxed lures to help them kill much faster, and thus getting me a lot more exp. normal other class 115 players dnt get 15.5k xp per elix, as fast as they would normally kill one monster.
I like where I'm at, and sure soloing sucks.... But do what mages are supposed to do, indirect DPS, group with someone.

Wish enough people were on my level to group with.. But direct dps does make a difference in preventing ppl for ksing you. Mages have always been amoung the top dps, I don't know why that should change.
If only enough ppl(cough devs cough) realized this fact. I remember an old thread about mages always getting ksed and it was all due to slow casting and lures. Here is how it would go:
1) A Mage sees a target
2) they start casting a lure
3) waiting...waiting...
4) warrior(or other melee class) comes in and kills in a few seconds
5) message pops up saying "target is dead"

Lures have more aggro now which prevents such events but I just felt like giving an insight into a Mages life lol

Re: Are there any benefits to being a Mage anymore? (-.-)

A Mage, tank, druid is hands down the best leveling team. Simply no comparison to other groupings. I don't think most of these complaints have to do with he class, but more with play style and expectations. In my clan we are almost all leveling mages now. No doubt we are just stupid.

Ok sure I won't argue that point. However lets look at some logistics:

At least 50% of leveling occurs solo.

That leaves a remaining 50%.

Now at least 50% of group levelin is in pairs. If its in pairs, a druid is always preferred.

That leaves 25%.

So your saying that mages will have 25% of the leveling opportunities as the melee classes.

That makes sense because only 1/10 of 120+ chars are mages while there are only 5 classes. That means mages are about 50% harder to level than other classes on average.
Nerfed Mage ~140
Why play a class where skills cost more than other classes for same damage?
Why play a class with no auto attack?
Why play a class with 1/3 the armor?
Why play a caster?

Copy this sig! :)

Wiki: http://www.wisdomunderground.com/wiki

Re: Are there any benefits to being a Mage anymore? (-.-)

Did he use freeze ? That's what i want to know (to be honest, i don't know if freeze works on bosses), because there's no way energy lasts for a full boss fight, even with 50 levels between him and boss, though it helps much in damage mitigation. OR he used energy pots because health pots are useless for a mage, and that you can't know.
Either way, if he didn't use meditate/energy boost, it doesn't count as true survivability.

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