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Why bonus XP over the main Christmas holidays?

Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2018 8:54 am
by ImMinecraftMike
Why bonus XP over the main Christmas holidays?

So with putting the blame on anyone the game had a few problems recently, and was pretty unplayable for a % of people.
The planned bonus couldn’t go ahead because of the amount of players who simply couldn’t play at the time. I understand this and think it was very good of you to hold off with the bonus XP at the time.

However during Christmas time for a pretty high percentage of the world it is a time to celebrate and see family and pretty much be very very busy.

From us parents who are run off our feet, to the teens who have to see grandma more often then they do during the whole rest of the year. Younger children learning to ride their new bike or on scooters at the skate park or playing with that Barbie house they asked Father Christmas for.

My point is some of us can’t use this holiday to play games whether we want to or not. The bonus XP over a weekend when people don’t have to work has always worked better.

Re: Why bonus XP over the main Christmas holidays?

Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2018 10:31 am
there are also people that do not celebrate Christmas :D

Re: Why bonus XP over the main Christmas holidays?

Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2018 12:02 pm
by Elfylolz
there are also people that do not celebrate Christmas :D
33% of the world is Christian then there's the people who aren't Christian who still celebrate it lol so yeah Christmas is a big deal

Re: Why bonus XP over the main Christmas holidays?

Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2018 12:06 pm
by Shivahh
I don't know how everyone else spends their Christmas but I wouldn't stick around my family all day, it's just another same old day to me and if I get to meet people that I rarely do then sure a few hours of chatting with them is more than enough,I don't define Christmas as a day where you stick around your family all day long.

Re: Why bonus XP over the main Christmas holidays?

Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2018 12:32 pm
by Sockthief
It was a smart move on thier part.
Give people 1.5xp but Put it where not everyone is willing to dedicate themselves to the event due to rl.
They gave the event and can say they did, and they get to limit the amount of harm It does to the server because not everyone is taking advantage of it due to holiday.

Re: Why bonus XP over the main Christmas holidays?

Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2018 2:20 pm
by Eragon123
I mentioned this elsewhere, but it was a Christmas event. An event for Christmas. It makes sense to do it during Christmas. Yeah, it would have been better if it were a week earlier, but not everyone celebrates Christmas the same way. While some people may be busy for several days before Christmas, others may only have a small celebration on the day itself, with not much going on beforehand.

Re: Why bonus XP over the main Christmas holidays?

Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2018 2:51 pm
by Apples-Bele
I mentioned this elsewhere, but it was a Christmas event. An event for Christmas. It makes sense to do it during Christmas. Yeah, it would have been better if it were a week earlier, but not everyone celebrates Christmas the same way. While some people may be busy for several days before Christmas, others may only have a small celebration on the day itself, with not much going on beforehand.
I thought it was an apology for the server and gameplay issues

Re: Why bonus XP over the main Christmas holidays?

Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2018 3:24 pm
by paggasquid
I mentioned this elsewhere, but it was a Christmas event. An event for Christmas. It makes sense to do it during Christmas. Yeah, it would have been better if it were a week earlier, but not everyone celebrates Christmas the same way. While some people may be busy for several days before Christmas, others may only have a small celebration on the day itself, with not much going on beforehand.
I thought it was an apology for the server and gameplay issues
In that case... if that was just the xmas event.... then there must be another double plat and double xp event soon to make up for the glitches!!! :lol:

Re: Why bonus XP over the main Christmas holidays?

Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2018 3:28 pm
by pandanda
I don't know how everyone else spends their Christmas but I wouldn't stick around my family all day, it's just another same old day to me and if I get to meet people that I rarely do then sure a few hours of chatting with them is more than enough,I don't define Christmas as a day where you stick around your family all day long.

Re: Why bonus XP over the main Christmas holidays?

Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2018 3:49 pm
by Sly Shadows
I don't know how everyone else spends their Christmas but I wouldn't stick around my family all day, it's just another same old day to me and if I get to meet people that I rarely do then sure a few hours of chatting with them is more than enough,I don't define Christmas as a day where you stick around your family all day long.
I agree the XP event should have extended a day and a half, maybe 2 days after christmas but i 300% hope theres no more dbl plat or xp until the next normally scheduled one. Like easter or smthing i forget.