Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: Sorry but this is trash I think all tanks and rangers should be reimbursed for lixes while at gele during crash

Guess those pesky dragons crashed the servers, is this their way of saying round 2?
Lol not too sure but they had to have edited something to change spawn locations and flip them to aggressive instead of neutral. Maybe they coulda just copy dragon code before and pasted after.
Boss rush, they brought every existing boss back and threw em all in heroes landing, now innocent noobs can't complete the tutorial.

227+ Rogue
221+ Mage
200+ Warrior
220+ Mage
200 Rogue
210+ Druid

Perma banned from ch friends band for spamming no u ft. Rogue81 & W7CH


Rogue BT Kill 09/20/2019

39th Full Doch, 14th Rogue - Danu

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