Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

May we take a moment

To look upon ourselves, on a day or night however it may be for you that not everything is centered around ones self. The strife that has plagued the forums has become a cyber brawl and on a day of loss for the company, who many could view as more friends. May we put those battles aside

Now less philosophical speech

It’s not the happiest day in celtic heroes times. Let’s put aside the disgust we feel for each other and for once unite as one. We are not Arawn, we are not belenus, or epona or Lugh or wherever you come from. We are not Phsyco, we are not resurgence, we are not enigma or whichever clan you reside in

But perhaps we are the community

And we stand together. Through the hate and through the good times at the end of the day we are all players, in the same game. All trying to do the same thing. Progress.

At a time of blight and maybe seen as the lowest point. We are not divided. But whole . Undivided I could say (pun intended)

I wish the best to OTM, we throw hate and anger yet you stood up high and carried on. Now I plea we contain such beliefs towards one another and attempt peace for a horrid time. And maybe even continue this

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