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Leveling Ranger Abilities in Tides of Fate

I couldn't post this in the tips section so here it is:

There are 5 abilities that can be trained easily with a ranger. Critical strike, Critical Skills, Bow, Ranged attack, and Heal. All can be trained in the arena with little effort.

First off get out of aggravation range of your target and hit auto attack (sticky) and then apply meditate and recuperate skills, You could leave it at this but you can speed things a bit with bandage wounds and lite heal. Hitting the target out of aggro range means target will not take any damage but you will still get the hit. Crit strike, bow and ranged will grow with this. The skills you apply will grow heal and Crit skills. Sit back and relax, play your dual character, whatever. Watch as your ranger becomes that powerhouse you so very want :)

its best to use the lvl 20 gladiator for target practice since he regenerates fastest and it will help any newbies that come in for him. Its polite.
Note: if you wish to Lix, you must apply the lix before you enter arena, as none may be imbibed inside it.

"Do or do not, there is no try"....

Level 191 Ranger
Level 90 Mage
Level 138 Rogue
Level 29 Druid bank character

Re: Leveling Ranger Abilities in Tides of Fate

Ability gain is lowered in arena I'm fairly sure as well.

You can still pull this off, get the nubbiest and fastest bow you can like a shoreline and no offhand. Head to sewers or anywhere where a wall separates you from the mob. It will regen every hit letting you afk train.

Or for faster results equip nothing (your bow was likely maxed anyhow) and use h2h.

For skills as a ranger it's a bit more difficult but equipping a lvl1 recuperate is a trendy and easy way like has been said while waiting.

Druids have it easiest with embrace, breath in a group, and lvl1 swarm. They max so fast.
Member of Aeon - Taranis - 24 boxer
220+ toons
Ravenleaf druid - Silverstring ranger
Stormsong warrior - Nwerb Mage - Eventide Rogue

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# of toons|_5__|___16___|____3___|__11__|__21_|407|

Re: Leveling Ranger Abilities in Tides of Fate

Do this. Go into the Sewars find a mob that can't reach you by running (stand up above something down in the water away from steps) then do what was said above for in the arena. Same deal but regular skill gains. A good place to raise your crit skills is in the first pirate cave on your left in fingals. Gather up all the pirates turn off auto attack and use level one explosive arrow. Chance to gain skill on every mob hit. I maxed my crit skills in 2 days with wisdom Lixs. 2270 skill at the time.
IGN-Whiteyes 231Ranger, g0lden 220 Warrior, The Doctor 213 Druid
Clan- Novalis

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