Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: Jotun warbinger

Lol, ded...y u hp so lew
Y u so nub
Y u keep posting nub stufz
Me pro help yu
Yu keep telling me u wunt me ammeh
And yu haz a better ammeh
Y u so newbie
Y u ask so many Nubish questions?
Y u no tell me
Y every1 waste his tiem reding dis post?
(And now you realize u wasted a minute of your short life :p)

Re: Jotun warbinger

I farmed it for two days on a newbie account. I got multiple banded steel tower shields and other various weapons. I've got one charstone ring from it once, from being in Furyion's group while killing Ymir I believe :p

[list][*]Vulture - Level 220 Rogue
[*]Venus - Level 195 Druid[/list][/color]

Re: Jotun warbinger

Lol, ded...y u hp so lew
Y u so nub
Y u keep posting nub stufz
Me pro help yu
Yu keep telling me u wunt me ammeh
And yu haz a better ammeh
Y u so newbie
Y u ask so many Nubish questions?
Y u no tell me
Y every1 waste his tiem reding dis post?
(And now you realize u wasted a minute of your short life :p)
A minute to read this? Must be a slow reader....
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