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New to the game and have a general question

Posted: Tue Jun 18, 2013 11:48 pm
by Farmer
I just started playing the game. Seems interesting and reminds me of what Everquest used to be. My question is that I noticed players with lvls that were unusually high, over 100. In gaining these high lvls, is this done through repetative spam like leveling up? Or is there content that coincides with these high lvls.

Thanks in advance, Farmer.

Re: New to the game and have a general question

Posted: Tue Jun 18, 2013 11:53 pm
by JakesAura
It is achieved from/by countless hours of training day after day.

Re: New to the game and have a general question

Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 5:45 am
by Neo
Yeah there really is only 1 real quest you can count on to lv up with after lv 60 which is a repeatable gladiator quest in the arena. Other than that, after you complete the Shalemont storyline and few quests in Stonevale, you are left to grind for countless hours until lv 180+.

So really yeah I guess you could call it spam leveling because all you do is kill mob after mob. There really aren't any quests to lv up on. Quests in Celtic Heroes are mainly just to get gear.

Re: New to the game and have a general question

Posted: Fri Jun 21, 2013 6:11 am
by mdimarco
Wow my post is missing... Wish this was the first time.

I'll make my answer short and sweet:

thousands of real dollars for plat for elixers and luxury gear, and thousands of hours grinding. No content to speak of.

Sounds fun to me. The end.

Re: New to the game and have a general question

Posted: Fri Jun 21, 2013 7:06 am
by Aileron
I just started playing the game. Seems interesting and reminds me of what Everquest used to be.
There are only a couple things that are similar imo

1. you need several groups to kill the high end boss mobs which is how old-school EQ was back in the day (for ex. Lady Vox, Nagafen, and the Kunark dragons) and you have to compete with other clans (guilds) for them.
2. every level past 120 is like a "hell level" in EQ and you have no choice but to grind for xp

Other than that, quest content is nil past level 60, world drops from mobs are also very limited. There are no rare "named" mobs that drop something cool (there are rare mobs, but they drop useless loot for their level), no crafting, no "epic quests", etc.

This game is no Everquest. So very far from it.