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What I'd like to see

Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2021 1:20 am
by Dytos
Common events, maybe one of a kind rewards that happen ingame, like battlemounts, one off weapon's or even one of a kind skills that are pretty good.
Different fashion, Maybe different fashion vendors, placed in more dead areas like dustwither or fingals etc. Also would be nice to see more charm vendors (not og charms!!! A new variety) maybe eye charms or dragon charms, something different.
Would love to see mount vendors return, mainly to help non plat buyers out, so they wont have to buy chests to get a chance of a mount when they could just buy one, price's could range from 50k - 2mill. Also could change mounts every 3 months so they can Keep their rarety sparkle. Also must be a different design to keep them separate from the current mounts.
Finally, new chests, new design, completely new items, new fash and something more beneficial for plat buyers. maybe token chests? Or fashion chests ya know a chest targeted to what the plat buyer may want.
Its just something id like to see, ofc people will have opinions thats fine, its not like this will actually get seen by anyone higher up.

Re: What I'd like to see

Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2021 8:51 am
by 2Kool4Skool
Truthfully, you won't see any of those things happen. This game is dead, and has been for a while. There used to be all those things - seasonal events with unique fashion, bosses, jewelry, weapons, etc. But that was a long time ago, and content for this game has been on halt for a while. It sucks because this game used to be so good, and although I am not one to dwell on the past, it is true. Even the forums is dead. I haven't played this game in over a year, and only come to the forums every few months or so to check if the game changed - it hasn't. Quite frankly, this game was a lot better run by OTM, and even they slacked towards their last year or so.

Re: What I'd like to see

Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2021 12:50 pm
by Dreyk
Isn't a petition for the return of OTM possible ? Or at least a team with a real will and motivation to take care of CH. We know that they are working on WHO but that doesn't explain the silence for the last few years, the same when you send them an email, whether it's the support in the game, or on the forum, and they are willing to answer you according to what you ask, even the suggestions exposed by many players to improve the game has almost (if not never) been taken into account lately. I am disgusted to see a game with so much potential to exploit and which I enjoyed playing end up like this, and without any words from VR.

Re: What I'd like to see

Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2021 8:21 pm
by Regenleif
Isn't a petition for the return of OTM possible ? Or at least a team with a real will and motivation to take care of CH. We know that they are working on WHO but that doesn't explain the silence for the last few years, the same when you send them an email, whether it's the support in the game, or on the forum, and they are willing to answer you according to what you ask, even the suggestions exposed by many players to improve the game has almost (if not never) been taken into account lately. I am disgusted to see a game with so much potential to exploit and which I enjoyed playing end up like this, and without any words from VR.
OTM owns VR. OTM was based in Glasgow, and VR was OTM's "satellite studio" in Bangkok. VR's owners are OTM's owners.

When OTM shut down their Glasgow studio, some (most?) of their employees were given offers to join VR, and a few did (most didn't, RIP Muldar). So it's the same owners, just different developers/artists/designers. The reason CH shows "One Thumb Mobile" when you launch it is because it's owned by OTM, and that never changed.

Re: What I'd like to see

Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2021 9:11 pm
by Dreyk
Isn't a petition for the return of OTM possible ? Or at least a team with a real will and motivation to take care of CH. We know that they are working on WHO but that doesn't explain the silence for the last few years, the same when you send them an email, whether it's the support in the game, or on the forum, and they are willing to answer you according to what you ask, even the suggestions exposed by many players to improve the game has almost (if not never) been taken into account lately. I am disgusted to see a game with so much potential to exploit and which I enjoyed playing end up like this, and without any words from VR.
OTM owns VR. OTM was based in Glasgow, and VR was OTM's "satellite studio" in Bangkok. VR's owners are OTM's owners.

When OTM shut down their Glasgow studio, some (most?) of their employees were given offers to join VR, and a few did (most didn't, RIP Muldar). So it's the same owners, just different developers/artists/designers. The reason CH shows "One Thumb Mobile" when you launch it is because it's owned by OTM, and that never changed.

Thank you for this thorough explanation, I've done some research of my own, I already know most of these things, what I wanted to say is why don't they do anything more these last few years and if they're just fed up with it why not pass the torch to a team that will be fully committed to the project ?

Personally, and like many I think, even if WHO arrives, I will probably try it, but CH remains a favourite and I don't intend to leave CH for WHO, simply because I prefer the style of CH.

Since the good year that Difinitus wished for, not a word has been said for 2 months now, not a single event, whereas even in the "dead" period last year we had some, not even the update of last July that had been promised, why not tell us about it ? Even by email no answers. Leave some players in the dark for a few months, ok guys, but it's been like 2 years rn

Re: What I'd like to see

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2021 8:42 pm
by Regenleif
My guess is they had contract obligations for WH:O (release by end of 2020?) and the pandemic really messed up their timeline. That would explain the complete stall on CH while they focused everyone on WH:O, the soft launch at the end of December, and the rush to release v1 asap. I can't really blame them, they are a small studio with a very high turnover rate.

They said they would be developing WH:O and CH in parallel, I think the two use the same core engines? I guess we will see their plans in the next few months with WH:O's release.

Re: What I'd like to see

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2021 9:40 pm
by Dreyk
I agree that the Covid pandemic has put a brake on everything and everything in the world.

I've watched WHO videos on YouTube, there are some similarities to CH like for example, when you kill a mob the shout it pushes when it dies, is the same as on CH (am I the only one to have noticed it ?) When you think that Dhio weapons and most event bosses are just a recolouring/plagia of something that already exists, where is the creativity ? I'm not questioning their competence in any way, but why do that ? Lack of time / funding ?

If WHO's graphic engine is the same as CH's, why didn't they just make a Celtic Heroes 3.0 or just redesign the basic characters and new zones / another castle (or a zone similar to the castle with a AH etc but in a new zone(?))

It might have saved them those problems, if the team is small, why try to do 2 things at once that are simply impossible and say the opposite and then leave us in silence ?

As well as a little publicity from the community that would have helped the developers if they had invested as much as we, the players, in the last few years on the game for the end, not much.. !

Silence does more harm than good, the FaQ that was supposed to take place to answer many questions from the community has never taken place yet either, it would be nice if Difinitus is the agreement of its team to answer us, whether we are displeased or happy about it, but that we know where to stand with CH.

Re: What I'd like to see

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2021 10:05 pm
by Cotchers45
I'd like to see a reset coz epona is lagging hard and freezing intermittently, especially during raids. Gele was delayed yesterday because the game was literally unplayable for half an hour. Where the devs at?