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Game mechanics

Posted: Sat Jul 11, 2020 3:01 pm
by Skrticus
I'm curious how to look into the games code. I've looked around and found formulas for auto dps and certain skills calculations.

Damage = [0.159132 * sqrt(Strength) + [0.05972 * sqrt(WeaponAbility)] + 0.96523] * PhysicalDamage + ElementalDamage

I found this formula here
I believe the formula was originally found on Swans 2012 forum post here (hence why it is known as the Swan formula)

How do these people get into the games mechanics to figure this out? I could understand why OTM wouldn't want people in the game script because of exploitation, but I'm curious if there is any way to figure out some dps game mechanics.
The point of this is because skill point allocation has always been fairly janky, and everyone knows auto commit is not a good choice what so ever. I wanted to build a calculator of sorts that people can punch in their gear and abilities and give them the best build with their current gear.

I've made this graph to calculate my own stats with steady aim/sharpen added, but it isn't spot on with what I see in game.

My apologies if this is the wrong section, this is my first forum post.

Re: Game mechanics

Posted: Sat Jul 11, 2020 6:21 pm
by Eragon123
Yes, the stat calculators on the celticheroesdb website were pulled from the forums. The goal of the calculators on the CHDB was to make a simpler way for players to make calculations (as opposed to just having the formula).

To the best of my knowledge, no one has “hacked” into the game servers in order to find out any concrete formulas or ratios...the formulas currently being used were assembled by a bunch of people simply by spending a ton of effort testing with in-game items and stats, not by digging around in the game’s code.

There are some formulas floating around that will give you a rough estimate of what effect skills will have at level 50, based on plugging in your stats and abilities. However, trying to make formulas that work for all the other skill levels (1-49) would take a ton of effort...I started trying it once, but didn’t have nearly enough books of alt/rebirth to properly test even a few skills.

If you are looking for a calculator that takes gear/abilities/stats into consideration, there is the Character Creator on the CHDB website (, which is usually accurate to within a few points of damage/hp/energy (unless you have more than 2000 strength, at which point the formulas change, and I don’t have those accurate formulas).