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Fishing query

Posted: Tue May 19, 2020 6:17 am
by MikeKnopfler
Why Should We Wear Boots When Hiking?

It is common that many people often confuse hiking shoes with sport shoes, soldier shoes, leather boots, and workwear. This confusion makes some people think that it is fine to wear traditional sneakers instead of hiking boots or hiking shoes when hiking. Maybe there are similarities between them, but the purpose of these shoes is completely different. So, to help you get specialized hiking shoes, we will share how to choose the best hiking boots of all time

What are hiking boots/ shoes’ functions?

Before going into the choice of hiking shoes, trekking, let's find out the use of them. A lot of people often quite disdain the importance of these items. Why are shoes or boots the most important item for hikers?

The most understandable, shoes are what we use most when traveling, almost only leaving us at bedtime and in the shower.

Using good hiking boots will help us much easier in conquering goals such as mountains, forests, roads, cliffs ...

Shoes keep your feet warm.

Shoes protect your feet from obstacles on the way.

For most hiking shoes, it helps keep your feet dry as it is waterproof.

An extremely important use is that shoes are an indispensable fashion item, so are hiking shoes or hiking boots.
How to choose hiking boots?

Hiking boots come in a variety of styles and functions for specific purposes, but they are all made in the same way and have the same basic components. There are many things to concern when it comes to choosing boots. However, to choose the most comfortable hiking boots, note the followings:


Not all types of climbing boots are waterproof, which depends on the purpose of use, there are types of shoes that are not waterproof but have fast drying, drainage characteristics. However, in a wet environment, the waterproof type is much more popular.

There are many waterproof technologies for hiking shoes, but the most popular and most popular is gore tex lining, a material technology used by many
Best Hiking Boots brands.


The sole of hiking boots is usually made of rubber with good abrasion resistance, harder, and less elastic than sports shoes, but still much softer and more elastic than other types of shoes. The demand that other types of shoes often overlook because it can affect the sales of the manufacturer is durability, the climbing shoe base is more durable, less worn than normal sports shoes due to the characteristics of backpacking. intense activity for a long time, can be in the wild so durability is essential.
The inner linings

This component creates comfort for the wearer and very few people pay attention to it, most people choose to look at the outside design.

Most hiking boots are made up of many layers and the inner layer is usually quite thick and smooth to bring comfort to the wearer, but each type of inner shoe is different and the difference is not decided on the purpose or terrain of use that is often related to climate, temperature when used.

Often when choosing pairs of boots, you should choose the ones having inner linings that are smooth and elastic enough, which helps to hold your feet without causing tightness, the thickness and elasticity of the inner layer helps to create a flexible space.

➹➹➹ You Might Also Enjoy: Top Rated Hiking Boots

With the experience above, we hope that choosing suitable hiking boots won’t be a problem for you any more. Also, don’t forget to share this helpful experience with your friends.

Re: Fishing query

Posted: Wed May 20, 2020 1:08 am
by SamySamSamBoss2000
I have been wondering what the usefulness of fishing is myself. Cooking gives buffs seen nowhere else in the game, also an alternative to restos. The only answer I've gotten for fishing is that it makes you gold. A decent amount at that, but I've never tried it. No one has ever given me a straight answer either on how you get the gold. If it's by selling fish you catch to vendors? Getting gold out of chests you fish out of the river? Or selling drops to players so they can improve their own fishing and get those bet bears lol. If anyone would be so kind as to clarify that for us non fishers I'm sure at least two of us would be grateful.

Re: Fishing query

Posted: Thu May 21, 2020 8:40 pm
by Michaelangelo
Lvling a toon to lvl 170 fishing will probs put u down 500k-1m+. U can make some money after that but not alot.
If u want to make money then u better off cooking. Depending on the economy on your server.

Re: Fishing query

Posted: Sat May 23, 2020 6:01 am
by Elfylolz
I have been wondering what the usefulness of fishing is myself. Cooking gives buffs seen nowhere else in the game, also an alternative to restos. The only answer I've gotten for fishing is that it makes you gold. A decent amount at that, but I've never tried it. No one has ever given me a straight answer either on how you get the gold. If it's by selling fish you catch to vendors? Getting gold out of chests you fish out of the river? Or selling drops to players so they can improve their own fishing and get those bet bears lol. If anyone would be so kind as to clarify that for us non fishers I'm sure at least two of us would be grateful.
All of the above lol

Re: Fishing query

Posted: Sat May 23, 2020 8:18 pm
by Regenleif
Lvling a toon to lvl 170 fishing will probs put u down 500k-1m+. U can make some money after that but not alot.
If u want to make money then u better off cooking. Depending on the economy on your server.
Yep, fishing are cooking are meant to be gold sinks.

Re: Fishing query

Posted: Sun May 24, 2020 10:37 pm
by Rasejnnn
Fishing in Shalmont will be your goal. Level 70 to 80 is your goal but leveling to 90 or 100 will make those levels easier. Your goal is to run back and forth from the first fence post to the other side of Shalmont just before the bridge looking for shimmering waters. You will catch Prized Pike in them and they sell to venders for 1200 gold each. I can catch 50 to 60 per hour. You do the math. You can also catch lockboxes that give Platinum, gold and lixes. The higher the level the better the boxes but the Sunken lockboxes is the highest one and you start catching them at level 40. You will also catch concentration and power. Rings for abilities as well. The gold ones you see at auction. Then there's the relics. Those are used to get your bear and level them up. Also the clams. The pearls inside are all valuable. The highest at level 180 sells for 5k each. But they are rare. The most platinum I ever got out a lockbox was 60. Hope this helps.

Re: Fishing query

Posted: Wed May 27, 2020 2:27 pm
by e5c4p3artist
You can make money by fishing in the following ways: Catching fish from Shimmering Waters and selling them to vendors. Shimmering Waters appear uncommonly everywhere except for the Shalemont River where they appear much more commonly. As described above, you can run along the river and get many, if you can find a time when it isn't too crowded with other players doing the same. Catching relics to sell to other players for their bears. Catching lockboxes and either opening them or selling them to other players. Selling certain fish to other players for cooking. Once you can make high level broth - like Deepsea broth - you can sell it to other players. Wherever you fish, you will catch clams with pearls in them (for whatever insane reason; maybe the devs don't realize clams and oysters are different things) - sell the pearls to Lux vendors like the Scavenger in OW to get the highest prices. One particular type of pearl found only from clams in Shalemont and Stonevale, the Blue Enchanted Pearl, is used to make a decent fishing ring. You can sell them to other players for higher prices than selling them to vendors. Or you can make the rings and sell them. Sometimes you will catch rings - fishing rings, critical rings, treasure hunter rings - and some of those sell to other players and the ones that don't sell to vendors. And lastly, unless I am forgetting anything - and I probably am - just selling the regular fish you catch will make some money by itself. If you catch 100 fish that sell for 81g, that's an extra 8100 you wouldn't have had otherwise.

Nothing above sounds like it will make you get rich quick, and it won't. But ever since I started fishing, I have found that it somehow adds up. After a day of fishing I have always made more money than I spent. And it just seems to build up without me knowing exactly how. I guess each of the "little" things I mentioned above add up to a little bit larger thing by the end of the day.

Re: Fishing query

Posted: Fri May 29, 2020 5:36 am
by SamySamSamBoss2000
Thanks for the detailed answers guys. When I read it 60-70k an hour doesn't sound like that much, but I guess if including other drops you could get 100k/h 1m a week without going too hard core sounds pretty good.

Re: Fishing query

Posted: Fri May 29, 2020 5:20 pm
by Rasejnnn
All you have to do is catch 84 prized pike a day and it equals 100k. I've made over 18 million fishing there. 100k a day, fishing about 1 to 2 hrs a day. So over time it adds up. And of course you will be hooked at first and fish all day long like I did. I used to fish for 4 or 5 hours a day. Now I don't even fish everyday but knowing I can go anytime and make easy gold is nice. Plus I'm level 187 so I can catch those pikes in like 3 seconds and uses nothing in concentration. Wanted to add you can also get mount tokens and pet tokens from the sunken lockbox as well.

Re: Fishing query

Posted: Fri May 29, 2020 5:24 pm
by Rasejnnn