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Systems for dom clans

Posted: Tue Jan 21, 2020 10:11 pm
by be0wulf
Can someone copy and paste the systems designed for boss drops and such on dom servers? I’m interested on what systems others use because I feel like the dicing rolling system is too corruptible, too many people making alts and double tripping rolling on my server, just trying to understand what has worked for your server. Keep this post drama free just want to see how everyone’s system works.

Re: Systems for dom clans

Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2020 5:43 pm
by Ash A
Mabon uses this dkp site to do DKP:

You kill a boss: get points.

Send a screenshot of the boss you killed into a 4* 5* 6* RB chat and later people who tally DKP will look at the pictures and do the math. With us, we manage to have one person per DKP page.

They then add the points per person to the site. If you wanna check your points to make sure they added them right or they didn't give themselves extra points, you can count it yourself, sure.

The point values we use are publicly available through a line bot someone in our clan personally created named Bob:
170-200——5 points
205-215——10 points

170-200——15 points
205-215———30 points
Carrow Legacies——20 points

160/165——10 points
170/180——50 points
185-200——25 points
205-215——60 points
Carrow Legacies——30 points

Ring Bosses
5*———20 points
6*———30 points

World Bosses
Hrungnir——40 points
Mord/Necro——60 points
Lich/Reaver——30 points
Proteus Base——100 points
Proteus Prime——150 points
Gelebron——200 points
Bloodthorn——250 points
Dhiothu——300 points

When a boss drops something, we auction it off to clan for 24 hours first to the people who were present. Everything is class based so a mage can't bid on a rogue item. They send a bid in the mail and after 24 hours the auctioneer takes a screenshot of the bid of who won and posts it then the dkp people deduct their mail item.

As for DG, they do a rotation of upgrades to the people with the highest lifetime DKP. (points earned throughout their whole entire time here) They choose like 5 people per rotation and its one piece per person until the next rotation.

DG Armour is earned based on Lifetime DKP (LDKP) and Activity. To become eligible for a DKP Piece, you must reach the LDKP listed below:
Gloves = 15k
Chest = 40k
Boots = 50k
Legs = 70k
Helm = 90k ** Note, you cannot have both a DG Helm and BT Helm, you must choose one once you become eligible for the helmet.

For TANKS Exclusively:
Boots = 25k LDKP
Legs = 50k LDKP

For gearing patterns, review the notes section in Nova Main Chat as it is subject to alterations
You may only have one toon geared in DG at this time
You might have reached the LDKP threshold, however there is a waiting list per part based on highest present LDKP at the time the pures become available.

Rotation is sorta complicated but its in a way that you can't be in a rotation two times in a row. Like you have to skip a rotation before you can get in the next one.

Re: Systems for dom clans

Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2020 8:31 pm
by Robert
In Toxic on Sulis, we opted to try and avoid doing a DKP system as there’s a lot of admin work involved in such systems. All systems are flawed, and no matter what you do people end up complaining regardless.

We ended up with a truly democratic voting based system, where all active raiders vote on who they think deserves the item. We do this in Line. The upside is that it forces people to play nice to get gear, as well as low administration time.

Re: Systems for dom clans

Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2020 11:39 am
by Ash A
In Toxic on Sulis, we opted to try and avoid doing a DKP system as there’s a lot of admin work involved in such systems. All systems are flawed, and no matter what you do people end up complaining regardless.

We ended up with a truly democratic voting based system, where all active raiders vote on who they think deserves the item. We do this in Line. The upside is that it forces people to play nice to get gear, as well as low administration time.
Oooooof, voting never ends well ._. Talk about favoritism.

Re: Systems for dom clans

Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2020 1:44 pm
by Eragon123
In Toxic on Sulis, we opted to try and avoid doing a DKP system as there’s a lot of admin work involved in such systems. All systems are flawed, and no matter what you do people end up complaining regardless.

We ended up with a truly democratic voting based system, where all active raiders vote on who they think deserves the item. We do this in Line. The upside is that it forces people to play nice to get gear, as well as low administration time.
Oooooof, voting never ends well ._. Talk about favoritism.
Voting can work, but it is very hard to make everyone completely okay with it. It does easily lead to favoritism - Rob even says it himself that players have to play nice to get gear, meaning that it's not completely about who needs/deserves the item, but also about what other players think of each other.

Sometimes that's okay, other times it's not. It mostly comes down to finding the best balance between what's easiest for the leaders, and what's best for the members. If the members of the clan are all okay with the system - then go for it.

Re: Systems for dom clans

Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2020 2:48 pm
by Ash A
In Toxic on Sulis, we opted to try and avoid doing a DKP system as there’s a lot of admin work involved in such systems. All systems are flawed, and no matter what you do people end up complaining regardless.

We ended up with a truly democratic voting based system, where all active raiders vote on who they think deserves the item. We do this in Line. The upside is that it forces people to play nice to get gear, as well as low administration time.
Oooooof, voting never ends well ._. Talk about favoritism.
Voting can work, but it is very hard to make everyone completely okay with it. It does easily lead to favoritism - Rob even says it himself that players have to play nice to get gear, meaning that it's not completely about who needs/deserves the item, but also about what other players think of each other.

Sometimes that's okay, other times it's not. It mostly comes down to finding the best balance between what's easiest for the leaders, and what's best for the members. If the members of the clan are all okay with the system - then go for it.

False, most of the time, there is no choice if its a long standing system and a dom clan. That or a clan that had competition but it died out. People are either forced to join the clan if they want endgame or someone xfers and doesn't have a choice, or if someone starts in the server not knowing the system.

Also, this system benefits the leaders/popular people and will undoubtedly lead to favoritism. This actually makes it hard to change to DKP since why change if it benefits you? If you make the wrong people angry at you, kiss your gear goodbye. Changing this type of system is difficult since it seems it mostly means the leaders don't want to spend time doing DKP which is understandable but also doesn't mean the members are fine with it. I have known some servers who refuse help from their members to help with DKP because they don't trust them causing a bottleneck in the management system and causing burnouts.

Re: Systems for dom clans

Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2020 3:38 pm
by Eragon123

Oooooof, voting never ends well ._. Talk about favoritism.
Voting can work, but it is very hard to make everyone completely okay with it. It does easily lead to favoritism - Rob even says it himself that players have to play nice to get gear, meaning that it's not completely about who needs/deserves the item, but also about what other players think of each other.

Sometimes that's okay, other times it's not. It mostly comes down to finding the best balance between what's easiest for the leaders, and what's best for the members. If the members of the clan are all okay with the system - then go for it.

False, most of the time, there is no choice if its a long standing system and a dom clan. That or a clan that had competition but it died out. People are either forced to join the clan if they want endgame or someone xfers and doesn't have a choice, or if someone starts in the server not knowing the system.

Also, this system benefits the leaders/popular people and will undoubtedly lead to favoritism. This actually makes it hard to change to DKP since why change if it benefits you? If you make the wrong people angry at you, kiss your gear goodbye. Changing this type of system is difficult since it seems it mostly means the leaders don't want to spend time doing DKP which is understandable but also doesn't mean the members are fine with it. I have known some servers who refuse help from their members to help with DKP because they don't trust them causing a bottleneck in the management system and causing burnouts.
I don't disagree with your points, and I personally feel that what you said is a likely outcome of using a voting system for an extended period. However, I do think that the end result depends on the clan (both leaders and members). It is possible to make a voting system work, but it's not easy, and it's very easily corruptible.

Would I recommend a voting system for an endgame clan? Definitely not, at least not as the primary method of loot distribution - it's way too cliquish in my experience. However, clans (as a whole) need to find what works for them. The OP is asking for examples of other clan systems for loot distribution, and I think that voting at least deserves to be considered, despite the number of things that could go wrong with it.

Re: Systems for dom clans

Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2020 3:45 pm
by Mind
Kinda off-topic, but while we're here... there are pros and cons of all three:
Dicing: Unbiased (objectively, but can be limited), relatively short turnover (low-maintenance), doesn't necessarily require out-of-game participation, does require policing, random (can reward short-term activity, but handicap long-term dedication)
DKP: Unbiased (again, objectively, but systems vary), requires maintenance (and generally participants need to do a bit of out-of-game work to ensure consistency), high amount of setup work, rewards long-term activity and dedication, hard for new people to catch up (degree varies)
Voting: Merit-based, requires good leadership (honest and active) to keep up with, doesn't necessarily require non-leaders to do much out-of-game work, rewards activity and dedication, in theory rewards proportionately, corruptible with just a couple bad eggs (favortism, etc.)

In theory, all three have cons that could be minimized, but with the potential for dishonesty, there're always going to have to be handicaps.

Re: Systems for dom clans

Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2020 4:42 pm
by Zkills
Voting is a horrible system and it does lead to favoritism... I was apart of an eg clan who used voting as their gear distribution system lol. The only ones who like it are most likely those who are apart of it because if they are open about disliking it and try to push change, that’ll most likely diminish their chances at gear lol.

After having experienced the 3 major gear distribution systems (voting, dkp and dicing) I can say that dkp is by far the most efficient while dicing is the least efficient because gear gets spread out so easily. Dicing by far is the most fair system because everyone has an equal chance at loot after a boss, which is how a lot of games work. Dkp is the least fair imo as you’re not getting any good gear if you’re unable to invest some of your life into the game because you’re so busy in the real world. Dicing by far has the greatest effect on a server (free servers) as it promotes a very healthy economy.

Voting is in between dkp and dicing in terms of fairness, but it may become more unfair than dkp if the leaders are bad and there is heavy favoritism involved. Voting is also in between dkp and dicing in terms of efficiency, but it may become more efficient than dkp if the leaders are flawless as they can redirect gear to the best possible person manually. But nobody is perfect and voting leaves the clans doors wide open for corruption which often infects the leadership.

And Ik fairness is considered to be subjective, but I view fairness as everyone getting an equal chance at loot. Others argue that fairness is rewarding the ones who work hard. That may be true in a job setting in the real world, but cmon, it’s just a game lol.

Re: Systems for dom clans

Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2020 6:54 pm
by Mdunc1982
Voting is a horrible system and it does lead to favoritism... I was apart of an eg clan who used voting as their gear distribution system lol. The only ones who like it are most likely those who are apart of it because if they are open about disliking it and try to push change, that’ll most likely diminish their chances at gear lol.

After having experienced the 3 major gear distribution systems (voting, dkp and dicing) I can say that dkp is by far the most efficient while dicing is the least efficient because gear gets spread out so easily. Dicing by far is the most fair system because everyone has an equal chance at loot after a boss, which is how a lot of games work. Dkp is the least fair imo as you’re not getting any good gear if you’re unable to invest some of your life into the game because you’re so busy in the real world. Dicing by far has the greatest effect on a server (free servers) as it promotes a very healthy economy.

Voting is in between dkp and dicing in terms of fairness, but it may become more unfair than dkp if the leaders are bad and there is heavy favoritism involved. Voting is also in between dkp and dicing in terms of efficiency, but it may become more efficient than dkp if the leaders are flawless as they can redirect gear to the best possible person manually. But nobody is perfect and voting leaves the clans doors wide open for corruption which often infects the leadership.

And Ik fairness is considered to be subjective, but I view fairness as everyone getting an equal chance at loot. Others argue that fairness is rewarding the ones who work hard. That may be true in a job setting in the real world, but cmon, it’s just a game lol.
Have you seen some people on here? Lol. It's not just a game. They don't have jobs so this is their job.