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scs vs cs

to make the "combination lix and super combination lix" looks different. and that to me when selling replaced. scs promised and given cs.

I asked to sell me scs 10k each. [removed] agreed. and after the purchase found the usual cs.

Re: scs vs cs

Or, ya know, just look at the chat when they add the item...or at least inspect the item before agreeing to the trade (that’s why it asks you to confirm that you know what you are trading). Yes, I realize most people skip over that (same as with privacy policies and terms of service) but it still means you agree to it.

That being said, there are a lot of items with duplicate icons, such as all regular and super potions and elixirs, but other items as well. I do think it would be a good idea to differentiate the supers and regulars with a new icon though, if not every duplicated icon. It just isn’t super necessary - all it takes is for a user to be paying attention to catch any attempt at a user putting in the wrong item.

Hitup support they may be able to help , and blur out the names in the pictures that sucks.
Support usually doesn’t interfere with valid trades, but it’s worth a shot.
Have questions about anything? PM me!
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Re: scs vs cs

-in this case, the external similarity played a big role. the fraud relied on the similarity.
-I do not demand to punish the one who deceived me. I just wish it never happened again in the future.

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